Monday, June 30, 2008

energy conservation award

June 27 - The Haryana Government has announced givingEnergy Conservation Awards upto Rs. one lakh to promote the use ofsolar energy in small, medium and large scale industries, educationalinstitutes, commercial buildings, hotels, hospitals and shoppingmalls/plazas. While disclosing this here today, Haryana Deputy ChiefMinister, Mr. Chander Mohan said that the Haryana Government hadimplemented Energy Conservation Act in the State. Under the Act, the use of solar water heating systems, CFLs,T-5 tubelights in Government buildings, educational institutes, boardsand corporations had been made mandatory, besides giving cashincentives on the use of ISI marked motor pump sets to promote energyconservation in agriculture sector as well, he added. The Deputy Chief Minister pointed out that as per instructions ofthe State Government an action plan on energy saving had been approvedby the Energy Conservation Department. Mr. Chander Mohan said that the small, medium and large scaleindustries would be divided into two categories- HT and LT and beconferred on awards at State level. A cash amount of Rs. one lakh,Rs.50,000 and Rs.25,000, besides a certificate and a shield would begiven under first, second and third award respectively to theindustries falling into HT category, whereas LT category industrieswould be given a cash amount of Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 25,000 by way offirst and second award respectively. Similarly, educational institute would be conferred on first,second and third awards of Rs. one lakh, 50,000 and 25,000respectively. Commercial buildings, hotels, hospitals and malls wouldalso be given awards upto Rs. one lakh. The concerned establishmentswould have to submit data of their energy consumption of three yearsi.e. from January, 2005 to December, 2007, besides attested copies oftheir electricity bills, he added.

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