Dec 24- The Haryana Government has implemented an ambitious scheme for the conservation of energy in agriculture sector.
Under the scheme, financial assistance at the rate of Rs.400 per HorsePower (HP) is being provided to the farmers who install ISI/at leastfour star rated pump sets in their tube wells.
While disclosing this here today, Mr. Mahender Partap Singh, Powerand Renewable Energy Minister, Haryana said that up to March 2009nearly 4,056 tube wells had been upgraded by installing ISI pump setsunder the scheme by providing financial assistance to the tune ofRs.1.76 crore.
During the current financial year, a provision of Rs.92.50 lakh hadbeen made for providing subsidy to the farmers on installation of ISImark/at least four star rated pump sets, he added.He said that farmers in the State were using the local make pumps,rather than ISI marked/star rated pump sets. About 30 to 35 per centelectricity could be saved by replacing these local make pump setswith ISI marked/star rated pump sets and by installing the optimumcapacity pump sets.
Besides, 10 to 15 per cent of electricity couldalso be saved by installing ISI marked reflex valve, by replacing thesteel pipe of rough surface with RPVC pipe, by using long bend inplace of 90 degree sharp bend and by keeping the delivery pipe at aheight of three feet from ground level.Overloading of feeders, long length of undersized secondary lines andpoor selection, installation, maintenance and operation of theelectrical motor pump sets caused high line losses and large voltagedrops, which resulted in frequent motor burnouts and as a resultfarmers had to bear additional costs for getting their motors rewound,said Mr. Mahender Partap Singh, adding that to overcome this problemfarmers tended to install low efficiency motors, which could notwithstand large current.
To ensure higher water flow rate, they optedfor motors of higher capacity, which consume more power.He said that about 4,000MW of power was generating in the State byusing conventional sources and 35 per cent of power was being suppliedto the agriculture sector at highly subsidised flat rate of Rs.35 perHorse Power per month.
The Minister said, “The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Governmentof India has initiated an Agricultural Demand Side ManagementProgramme in Haryana to upgrade the efficiency of the pump setsthrough Public Private Partnership mode at district Kaithal andKurukshetra. Under the programme, an Energy Service Company (ESCO)would be identified which will invest in energy efficiency measures onrural pump set feeders on which supply quality enhancement i.e. highvoltage distribution system have already been carried out.
Thisintervention will lead to lower energy supply on the feeders andaccordingly lower the subsidy burden on the State exchequer.”He pointed out that the part of the savings in the subsidy would bepaid to the ESCO on an annual basis to pay for their investment inpump set upgradation/replacement initially. Schneider Electric ConzervIndia Pvt. Ltd. (SECIPL) and Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PWC) had beenselected for providing consulting services for successful completionof the Agricultural Demand Side Management Programme at 15 selectedfeeders of Kaithal and Kurukshetra district.
This would result inreducing the peak load.Similarly, the Department would also explore the option of conservingenergy in agriculture sector through ESCO route, he added.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
conservation and breeding of Peacock and Chinkara
December 23: With a view to protect and increase the population of Peacock and Chinkara in Haryana, the State government has chalked out an ambitious plan to set up an integrated project for conservation and breeding of Peacock and Chinkara and it would be developed over 70 acres of land.
While giving this information here today Finance and Environment Minister Capt. Ajay Singh Yadav said that the purpose of this project was to conserve peacock and chinkara by breeding and soft release in their natural and undisturbed habitat.
He said that since the habitat of both the species was same a fenced breeding centre might be set up and developed the suitable area of their natural habitat for integrated conservation of both the species in same place.
While referring the breeding of peafoul Capt. Yadav said that breeding of peafoul would be encouraged in three closed aviaries within the fenced area where as Chinkaras would be conserved in the open fenced area. About 8 acres of land would be used for peafoul aviaries and a control room would also be set up to maintain a close look on them. He further said that 20 acres would be used for growing feed for chinkaras.
Apart from this 40 acre of land would be used for breeding of chinkara . Besides, five acre of land would be used for providing infrastructure of staff quarters and tube well etc.
The Minister maintained that during the first year one breeding aviary would be constructed with G.I. chain-link fence while two more would be set up in the second year. These aviaries would be covered from the top also and every aviary would be facilitated with food, water and tree branches for sitting and rest.
He said that suitable breeding habitat would be provided to the peafoul and the aviary would be kept free from all kind of disturbances. The eggs would be hatched by the egg laying females and no artificial method would be opted.
Capt. Yadav said that the strict vigil would be kept on the activities of the birds within aviary through CCTVs and at least four cameras would be fixed in one aviary and activities like hatching eggs, rearing up of chicks and their behavior would be monitored by recording their activities or live in computer monitor. Their general health would also be monitored by the veterinarian.
The Minister informed that when the chicks are one year old they may be released in their natural habitat. Their activities would be closely watched for few days by putting chips somewhere in their legs. During the first few days they may be provided with artificial feed which should be reduced day after day so that they could adopt their original environment.
He further stated that De-worming of all birds would be carried out at regular intervals as per advice of veterinarian. All records regarding spread of disease would be maintained. He said that breeding center would be regularly visited by veterinary surgeon and the blood samples would be taken and examined.
While giving this information here today Finance and Environment Minister Capt. Ajay Singh Yadav said that the purpose of this project was to conserve peacock and chinkara by breeding and soft release in their natural and undisturbed habitat.
He said that since the habitat of both the species was same a fenced breeding centre might be set up and developed the suitable area of their natural habitat for integrated conservation of both the species in same place.
While referring the breeding of peafoul Capt. Yadav said that breeding of peafoul would be encouraged in three closed aviaries within the fenced area where as Chinkaras would be conserved in the open fenced area. About 8 acres of land would be used for peafoul aviaries and a control room would also be set up to maintain a close look on them. He further said that 20 acres would be used for growing feed for chinkaras.
Apart from this 40 acre of land would be used for breeding of chinkara . Besides, five acre of land would be used for providing infrastructure of staff quarters and tube well etc.
The Minister maintained that during the first year one breeding aviary would be constructed with G.I. chain-link fence while two more would be set up in the second year. These aviaries would be covered from the top also and every aviary would be facilitated with food, water and tree branches for sitting and rest.
He said that suitable breeding habitat would be provided to the peafoul and the aviary would be kept free from all kind of disturbances. The eggs would be hatched by the egg laying females and no artificial method would be opted.
Capt. Yadav said that the strict vigil would be kept on the activities of the birds within aviary through CCTVs and at least four cameras would be fixed in one aviary and activities like hatching eggs, rearing up of chicks and their behavior would be monitored by recording their activities or live in computer monitor. Their general health would also be monitored by the veterinarian.
The Minister informed that when the chicks are one year old they may be released in their natural habitat. Their activities would be closely watched for few days by putting chips somewhere in their legs. During the first few days they may be provided with artificial feed which should be reduced day after day so that they could adopt their original environment.
He further stated that De-worming of all birds would be carried out at regular intervals as per advice of veterinarian. All records regarding spread of disease would be maintained. He said that breeding center would be regularly visited by veterinary surgeon and the blood samples would be taken and examined.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
State level function of National Energy Conservation Day
Dec 18- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hoodatoday announced to institute awards for promotion of energyconservation buildings and setting up of green energy and energyconservation fund.The Chief Minister who was speaking at a State Level function ofNational Energy Conservation Day in Faridabad said that the StateGovernment has decided to set up a green energy and energyconservation fund for which crore have been provided.
He saidthat these funds would be utilised to create an awakening among thepeople about energy conservation and make it a mass movement.
He also announced to institute award of lakh for thosearchitects in Government and private sector who would facilitateconstruction of a minimum of four star rating houses as per GRIHA andBuilding Energy Conservation Code rating.
Similarly, those who wouldconstruct buildings as per a minimum of three star rating would get anaward of Rs.50,000.He said that the Bal Urja Rakshak Mission Programme was introduced in25 schools of Gurgaon district on pilot basis during last year. Underthis programme, 25,000 students of these schools were being madeconscious of energy conservation, renewable energy and climate change.
He said that this programme would also be introduced in 25 schools ofdistrict Faridabad at a cost of Rs.25 lakh.He also announced to implemented a street lighting project based onESCO in Faridabad. It would be implemented jointly by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and Municipal Corporation, Faridabad.
Under this programme, 34,000 street lights of Faridabad would beconverted into efficient street lights thus reducing the power billsof the Municipal Corporation by 60 per cent. It would also benefit theMunicipal Corporation by crore per year.
He said that ESCObased street lights were being installed in Hisar and Panchkula by theRenewable Energy Department and it has reduced demand for power by 860KW. The expenditure on maintenance of light points has reduced byRs.54 lakh per year.It may be recalled that under this scheme, the ESCO company replacesthe light points into efficient lights at its own cost and it recoversits expenditure out of the saving of power.
Therefore, the companywould maintain lights during the period of the project which is fiveto seven years.He said that energy conservation programme has been implemented inHaryana in a big way and the State has, for the second consecutiveyear, bagged second national award for energy conservation. Byadopting energy conservation measures, the State would be able to save500 MW power by 2012. He said that impressed by the Renewable EnergyPolicy of Haryana Government, power producers have signed MoUs withState Government to generate 200 MW of power by investing Rs.1000crore.
The Chief Minister gave away State Level Energy Conservation awardsto those industrial houses which have made outstanding performance inconservation of energy in 2008-09. He also gave away awards to thosestudents who had won essay competition.
The first prize of Rs.two lakh was bagged by Indian Oil Corporation,Panipat Refinery in HT category and second prize of lakh waswon by DCM Textiles, Hisar. Similarly, in LT category, GoldenLamination, Panchkula got first prize of lakh and second prizeof Rs.50,000 was awarded to Jai Ram Anxillaries Pvt.Ltd., Faridabad.In case of Government, semi Government and local category, BSNLTelephone Exchange, Gurgaon was awarded first prize of Rs.two lakh andBSNL Telephone Exchange, Hisar was awarded second prize of Rs.onelakh.Mr Hooda gave away award of Rs.21,000 to the first prize winner inessay writing competition, Rohit of Satyanand Public School, Gohana.Ms Man Preet of Partap Public School, Karnal was awarded second prizeof Rs.15,000. The third prize of Rs.11,000 went to Ms Pinki ofGovernment Senior Secondary School, Khedli Daula in district Gurgaon.
Others who also spoke on the occasion included Haryana Power andRenewable Energy Minister, Mr Mahender Partap Singh, FinancialCommissioner and Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy, Mr S.S.Parsad, Director, Renewable Energy, Mrs Sumita Misra and DeputyCommissioner, Mr Parveen Kumar.Earlier, Mr Hooda inaugurated Urja Mela organised by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and HAREDA. He went around the mela to seevarious stalls and evinced keen interest in some of the productsdisplayed there.
He saidthat these funds would be utilised to create an awakening among thepeople about energy conservation and make it a mass movement.
He also announced to institute award of lakh for thosearchitects in Government and private sector who would facilitateconstruction of a minimum of four star rating houses as per GRIHA andBuilding Energy Conservation Code rating.
Similarly, those who wouldconstruct buildings as per a minimum of three star rating would get anaward of Rs.50,000.He said that the Bal Urja Rakshak Mission Programme was introduced in25 schools of Gurgaon district on pilot basis during last year. Underthis programme, 25,000 students of these schools were being madeconscious of energy conservation, renewable energy and climate change.
He said that this programme would also be introduced in 25 schools ofdistrict Faridabad at a cost of Rs.25 lakh.He also announced to implemented a street lighting project based onESCO in Faridabad. It would be implemented jointly by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and Municipal Corporation, Faridabad.
Under this programme, 34,000 street lights of Faridabad would beconverted into efficient street lights thus reducing the power billsof the Municipal Corporation by 60 per cent. It would also benefit theMunicipal Corporation by crore per year.
He said that ESCObased street lights were being installed in Hisar and Panchkula by theRenewable Energy Department and it has reduced demand for power by 860KW. The expenditure on maintenance of light points has reduced byRs.54 lakh per year.It may be recalled that under this scheme, the ESCO company replacesthe light points into efficient lights at its own cost and it recoversits expenditure out of the saving of power.
Therefore, the companywould maintain lights during the period of the project which is fiveto seven years.He said that energy conservation programme has been implemented inHaryana in a big way and the State has, for the second consecutiveyear, bagged second national award for energy conservation. Byadopting energy conservation measures, the State would be able to save500 MW power by 2012. He said that impressed by the Renewable EnergyPolicy of Haryana Government, power producers have signed MoUs withState Government to generate 200 MW of power by investing Rs.1000crore.
The Chief Minister gave away State Level Energy Conservation awardsto those industrial houses which have made outstanding performance inconservation of energy in 2008-09. He also gave away awards to thosestudents who had won essay competition.
The first prize of Rs.two lakh was bagged by Indian Oil Corporation,Panipat Refinery in HT category and second prize of lakh waswon by DCM Textiles, Hisar. Similarly, in LT category, GoldenLamination, Panchkula got first prize of lakh and second prizeof Rs.50,000 was awarded to Jai Ram Anxillaries Pvt.Ltd., Faridabad.In case of Government, semi Government and local category, BSNLTelephone Exchange, Gurgaon was awarded first prize of Rs.two lakh andBSNL Telephone Exchange, Hisar was awarded second prize of Rs.onelakh.Mr Hooda gave away award of Rs.21,000 to the first prize winner inessay writing competition, Rohit of Satyanand Public School, Gohana.Ms Man Preet of Partap Public School, Karnal was awarded second prizeof Rs.15,000. The third prize of Rs.11,000 went to Ms Pinki ofGovernment Senior Secondary School, Khedli Daula in district Gurgaon.
Others who also spoke on the occasion included Haryana Power andRenewable Energy Minister, Mr Mahender Partap Singh, FinancialCommissioner and Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy, Mr S.S.Parsad, Director, Renewable Energy, Mrs Sumita Misra and DeputyCommissioner, Mr Parveen Kumar.Earlier, Mr Hooda inaugurated Urja Mela organised by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and HAREDA. He went around the mela to seevarious stalls and evinced keen interest in some of the productsdisplayed there.
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