Dec 24- The Haryana Government has implemented an ambitious scheme for the conservation of energy in agriculture sector.
Under the scheme, financial assistance at the rate of Rs.400 per HorsePower (HP) is being provided to the farmers who install ISI/at leastfour star rated pump sets in their tube wells.
While disclosing this here today, Mr. Mahender Partap Singh, Powerand Renewable Energy Minister, Haryana said that up to March 2009nearly 4,056 tube wells had been upgraded by installing ISI pump setsunder the scheme by providing financial assistance to the tune ofRs.1.76 crore.
During the current financial year, a provision of Rs.92.50 lakh hadbeen made for providing subsidy to the farmers on installation of ISImark/at least four star rated pump sets, he added.He said that farmers in the State were using the local make pumps,rather than ISI marked/star rated pump sets. About 30 to 35 per centelectricity could be saved by replacing these local make pump setswith ISI marked/star rated pump sets and by installing the optimumcapacity pump sets.
Besides, 10 to 15 per cent of electricity couldalso be saved by installing ISI marked reflex valve, by replacing thesteel pipe of rough surface with RPVC pipe, by using long bend inplace of 90 degree sharp bend and by keeping the delivery pipe at aheight of three feet from ground level.Overloading of feeders, long length of undersized secondary lines andpoor selection, installation, maintenance and operation of theelectrical motor pump sets caused high line losses and large voltagedrops, which resulted in frequent motor burnouts and as a resultfarmers had to bear additional costs for getting their motors rewound,said Mr. Mahender Partap Singh, adding that to overcome this problemfarmers tended to install low efficiency motors, which could notwithstand large current.
To ensure higher water flow rate, they optedfor motors of higher capacity, which consume more power.He said that about 4,000MW of power was generating in the State byusing conventional sources and 35 per cent of power was being suppliedto the agriculture sector at highly subsidised flat rate of Rs.35 perHorse Power per month.
The Minister said, “The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Governmentof India has initiated an Agricultural Demand Side ManagementProgramme in Haryana to upgrade the efficiency of the pump setsthrough Public Private Partnership mode at district Kaithal andKurukshetra. Under the programme, an Energy Service Company (ESCO)would be identified which will invest in energy efficiency measures onrural pump set feeders on which supply quality enhancement i.e. highvoltage distribution system have already been carried out.
Thisintervention will lead to lower energy supply on the feeders andaccordingly lower the subsidy burden on the State exchequer.”He pointed out that the part of the savings in the subsidy would bepaid to the ESCO on an annual basis to pay for their investment inpump set upgradation/replacement initially. Schneider Electric ConzervIndia Pvt. Ltd. (SECIPL) and Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PWC) had beenselected for providing consulting services for successful completionof the Agricultural Demand Side Management Programme at 15 selectedfeeders of Kaithal and Kurukshetra district.
This would result inreducing the peak load.Similarly, the Department would also explore the option of conservingenergy in agriculture sector through ESCO route, he added.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
conservation and breeding of Peacock and Chinkara
December 23: With a view to protect and increase the population of Peacock and Chinkara in Haryana, the State government has chalked out an ambitious plan to set up an integrated project for conservation and breeding of Peacock and Chinkara and it would be developed over 70 acres of land.
While giving this information here today Finance and Environment Minister Capt. Ajay Singh Yadav said that the purpose of this project was to conserve peacock and chinkara by breeding and soft release in their natural and undisturbed habitat.
He said that since the habitat of both the species was same a fenced breeding centre might be set up and developed the suitable area of their natural habitat for integrated conservation of both the species in same place.
While referring the breeding of peafoul Capt. Yadav said that breeding of peafoul would be encouraged in three closed aviaries within the fenced area where as Chinkaras would be conserved in the open fenced area. About 8 acres of land would be used for peafoul aviaries and a control room would also be set up to maintain a close look on them. He further said that 20 acres would be used for growing feed for chinkaras.
Apart from this 40 acre of land would be used for breeding of chinkara . Besides, five acre of land would be used for providing infrastructure of staff quarters and tube well etc.
The Minister maintained that during the first year one breeding aviary would be constructed with G.I. chain-link fence while two more would be set up in the second year. These aviaries would be covered from the top also and every aviary would be facilitated with food, water and tree branches for sitting and rest.
He said that suitable breeding habitat would be provided to the peafoul and the aviary would be kept free from all kind of disturbances. The eggs would be hatched by the egg laying females and no artificial method would be opted.
Capt. Yadav said that the strict vigil would be kept on the activities of the birds within aviary through CCTVs and at least four cameras would be fixed in one aviary and activities like hatching eggs, rearing up of chicks and their behavior would be monitored by recording their activities or live in computer monitor. Their general health would also be monitored by the veterinarian.
The Minister informed that when the chicks are one year old they may be released in their natural habitat. Their activities would be closely watched for few days by putting chips somewhere in their legs. During the first few days they may be provided with artificial feed which should be reduced day after day so that they could adopt their original environment.
He further stated that De-worming of all birds would be carried out at regular intervals as per advice of veterinarian. All records regarding spread of disease would be maintained. He said that breeding center would be regularly visited by veterinary surgeon and the blood samples would be taken and examined.
While giving this information here today Finance and Environment Minister Capt. Ajay Singh Yadav said that the purpose of this project was to conserve peacock and chinkara by breeding and soft release in their natural and undisturbed habitat.
He said that since the habitat of both the species was same a fenced breeding centre might be set up and developed the suitable area of their natural habitat for integrated conservation of both the species in same place.
While referring the breeding of peafoul Capt. Yadav said that breeding of peafoul would be encouraged in three closed aviaries within the fenced area where as Chinkaras would be conserved in the open fenced area. About 8 acres of land would be used for peafoul aviaries and a control room would also be set up to maintain a close look on them. He further said that 20 acres would be used for growing feed for chinkaras.
Apart from this 40 acre of land would be used for breeding of chinkara . Besides, five acre of land would be used for providing infrastructure of staff quarters and tube well etc.
The Minister maintained that during the first year one breeding aviary would be constructed with G.I. chain-link fence while two more would be set up in the second year. These aviaries would be covered from the top also and every aviary would be facilitated with food, water and tree branches for sitting and rest.
He said that suitable breeding habitat would be provided to the peafoul and the aviary would be kept free from all kind of disturbances. The eggs would be hatched by the egg laying females and no artificial method would be opted.
Capt. Yadav said that the strict vigil would be kept on the activities of the birds within aviary through CCTVs and at least four cameras would be fixed in one aviary and activities like hatching eggs, rearing up of chicks and their behavior would be monitored by recording their activities or live in computer monitor. Their general health would also be monitored by the veterinarian.
The Minister informed that when the chicks are one year old they may be released in their natural habitat. Their activities would be closely watched for few days by putting chips somewhere in their legs. During the first few days they may be provided with artificial feed which should be reduced day after day so that they could adopt their original environment.
He further stated that De-worming of all birds would be carried out at regular intervals as per advice of veterinarian. All records regarding spread of disease would be maintained. He said that breeding center would be regularly visited by veterinary surgeon and the blood samples would be taken and examined.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
State level function of National Energy Conservation Day
Dec 18- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hoodatoday announced to institute awards for promotion of energyconservation buildings and setting up of green energy and energyconservation fund.The Chief Minister who was speaking at a State Level function ofNational Energy Conservation Day in Faridabad said that the StateGovernment has decided to set up a green energy and energyconservation fund for which crore have been provided.
He saidthat these funds would be utilised to create an awakening among thepeople about energy conservation and make it a mass movement.
He also announced to institute award of lakh for thosearchitects in Government and private sector who would facilitateconstruction of a minimum of four star rating houses as per GRIHA andBuilding Energy Conservation Code rating.
Similarly, those who wouldconstruct buildings as per a minimum of three star rating would get anaward of Rs.50,000.He said that the Bal Urja Rakshak Mission Programme was introduced in25 schools of Gurgaon district on pilot basis during last year. Underthis programme, 25,000 students of these schools were being madeconscious of energy conservation, renewable energy and climate change.
He said that this programme would also be introduced in 25 schools ofdistrict Faridabad at a cost of Rs.25 lakh.He also announced to implemented a street lighting project based onESCO in Faridabad. It would be implemented jointly by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and Municipal Corporation, Faridabad.
Under this programme, 34,000 street lights of Faridabad would beconverted into efficient street lights thus reducing the power billsof the Municipal Corporation by 60 per cent. It would also benefit theMunicipal Corporation by crore per year.
He said that ESCObased street lights were being installed in Hisar and Panchkula by theRenewable Energy Department and it has reduced demand for power by 860KW. The expenditure on maintenance of light points has reduced byRs.54 lakh per year.It may be recalled that under this scheme, the ESCO company replacesthe light points into efficient lights at its own cost and it recoversits expenditure out of the saving of power.
Therefore, the companywould maintain lights during the period of the project which is fiveto seven years.He said that energy conservation programme has been implemented inHaryana in a big way and the State has, for the second consecutiveyear, bagged second national award for energy conservation. Byadopting energy conservation measures, the State would be able to save500 MW power by 2012. He said that impressed by the Renewable EnergyPolicy of Haryana Government, power producers have signed MoUs withState Government to generate 200 MW of power by investing Rs.1000crore.
The Chief Minister gave away State Level Energy Conservation awardsto those industrial houses which have made outstanding performance inconservation of energy in 2008-09. He also gave away awards to thosestudents who had won essay competition.
The first prize of Rs.two lakh was bagged by Indian Oil Corporation,Panipat Refinery in HT category and second prize of lakh waswon by DCM Textiles, Hisar. Similarly, in LT category, GoldenLamination, Panchkula got first prize of lakh and second prizeof Rs.50,000 was awarded to Jai Ram Anxillaries Pvt.Ltd., Faridabad.In case of Government, semi Government and local category, BSNLTelephone Exchange, Gurgaon was awarded first prize of Rs.two lakh andBSNL Telephone Exchange, Hisar was awarded second prize of Rs.onelakh.Mr Hooda gave away award of Rs.21,000 to the first prize winner inessay writing competition, Rohit of Satyanand Public School, Gohana.Ms Man Preet of Partap Public School, Karnal was awarded second prizeof Rs.15,000. The third prize of Rs.11,000 went to Ms Pinki ofGovernment Senior Secondary School, Khedli Daula in district Gurgaon.
Others who also spoke on the occasion included Haryana Power andRenewable Energy Minister, Mr Mahender Partap Singh, FinancialCommissioner and Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy, Mr S.S.Parsad, Director, Renewable Energy, Mrs Sumita Misra and DeputyCommissioner, Mr Parveen Kumar.Earlier, Mr Hooda inaugurated Urja Mela organised by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and HAREDA. He went around the mela to seevarious stalls and evinced keen interest in some of the productsdisplayed there.
He saidthat these funds would be utilised to create an awakening among thepeople about energy conservation and make it a mass movement.
He also announced to institute award of lakh for thosearchitects in Government and private sector who would facilitateconstruction of a minimum of four star rating houses as per GRIHA andBuilding Energy Conservation Code rating.
Similarly, those who wouldconstruct buildings as per a minimum of three star rating would get anaward of Rs.50,000.He said that the Bal Urja Rakshak Mission Programme was introduced in25 schools of Gurgaon district on pilot basis during last year. Underthis programme, 25,000 students of these schools were being madeconscious of energy conservation, renewable energy and climate change.
He said that this programme would also be introduced in 25 schools ofdistrict Faridabad at a cost of Rs.25 lakh.He also announced to implemented a street lighting project based onESCO in Faridabad. It would be implemented jointly by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and Municipal Corporation, Faridabad.
Under this programme, 34,000 street lights of Faridabad would beconverted into efficient street lights thus reducing the power billsof the Municipal Corporation by 60 per cent. It would also benefit theMunicipal Corporation by crore per year.
He said that ESCObased street lights were being installed in Hisar and Panchkula by theRenewable Energy Department and it has reduced demand for power by 860KW. The expenditure on maintenance of light points has reduced byRs.54 lakh per year.It may be recalled that under this scheme, the ESCO company replacesthe light points into efficient lights at its own cost and it recoversits expenditure out of the saving of power.
Therefore, the companywould maintain lights during the period of the project which is fiveto seven years.He said that energy conservation programme has been implemented inHaryana in a big way and the State has, for the second consecutiveyear, bagged second national award for energy conservation. Byadopting energy conservation measures, the State would be able to save500 MW power by 2012. He said that impressed by the Renewable EnergyPolicy of Haryana Government, power producers have signed MoUs withState Government to generate 200 MW of power by investing Rs.1000crore.
The Chief Minister gave away State Level Energy Conservation awardsto those industrial houses which have made outstanding performance inconservation of energy in 2008-09. He also gave away awards to thosestudents who had won essay competition.
The first prize of Rs.two lakh was bagged by Indian Oil Corporation,Panipat Refinery in HT category and second prize of lakh waswon by DCM Textiles, Hisar. Similarly, in LT category, GoldenLamination, Panchkula got first prize of lakh and second prizeof Rs.50,000 was awarded to Jai Ram Anxillaries Pvt.Ltd., Faridabad.In case of Government, semi Government and local category, BSNLTelephone Exchange, Gurgaon was awarded first prize of Rs.two lakh andBSNL Telephone Exchange, Hisar was awarded second prize of Rs.onelakh.Mr Hooda gave away award of Rs.21,000 to the first prize winner inessay writing competition, Rohit of Satyanand Public School, Gohana.Ms Man Preet of Partap Public School, Karnal was awarded second prizeof Rs.15,000. The third prize of Rs.11,000 went to Ms Pinki ofGovernment Senior Secondary School, Khedli Daula in district Gurgaon.
Others who also spoke on the occasion included Haryana Power andRenewable Energy Minister, Mr Mahender Partap Singh, FinancialCommissioner and Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy, Mr S.S.Parsad, Director, Renewable Energy, Mrs Sumita Misra and DeputyCommissioner, Mr Parveen Kumar.Earlier, Mr Hooda inaugurated Urja Mela organised by HaryanaRenewable Energy Department and HAREDA. He went around the mela to seevarious stalls and evinced keen interest in some of the productsdisplayed there.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gurgaon and carbon emissions
The city of Gurgaon participated in the project called "the Roadmap of South Asian Cities and Local Governments for the post 2012 global climate agreement" along with 53 other South Asian cities.
Of the total cities participated in the project, 40 were from India and 13 were from the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The initiative was implemented by ICLEI – South Asia and was supported by the British High Commission, New Delhi.
Under the project, the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon shared the information related to energy consumption in various sectors, such as- street lighting, transportation, water pumping system, residential, commercial, industrial, etc. under the jurisdiction of Gurgaon Municipal Corporation. ICLEI -South Asia analysed this information to arrive at the City Energy Status Report, which indicates energy consumption by considered service sectors and resultant carbon emissions.
A similar exercise has been carried out with 52 other South Asian cities leading to the preparation of the Carbon Emission Inventory of the 53 South Asian cities.
In June this year, at the sub national workshop in Bhopal, ICLEI South Asia discussed the analysis with the Municipal Corporation.
The analysis estimated the city’s total carbon emissions to be 251626 tonnes of CO2e. Corporaiton activities result in 6889.39 tonnes and community activities contribute 2544736.61 tonnes of CO2e emission. The per capita CO2e emission in Gurgaon is 2.13 tonnes.
ICLEI South Asia discussed action plans covering energy efficient & design based street lighting, efficient transport management, energy efficient, water pumping system, waste management & enhancement of urban livability and sustainability, that if implemented, will facilities in further reducing carbon emissions, in the city.
The Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon, Mr. R.K.Khullar thanked ICLEI South Asia and the British High Commission for studying and analyzing their City’s emissions and indicating avenues to reduce carbon emissions in the city. He expressed his happiness at representing Gurgaon city at COP 15 as a part of the South Asia delegation and looks forward to bringing back enriching experiences to share with the city.
Formally releasing the analysis and findings of the project at a press conference, Mr.Khullar said that the detailed information was available with the Gurgaon Municipal Corporation and with ICLEI South Asia, which can be approached for further details.
Under this project the energy status for all other project cities was also being released. Carbon emission status of 40 cities across India would be known to the world if the press and media reported the release of these reports, he added.
Mr.Khullar said that climate change was the most evident environment, social and economic problem facing the world today. He said, "We have to move from a high energy-use, wasteful economic model to one that conserves energy and minimizes waste. In other words we have to be more efficient."
Given India’s critical role in the upcoming COP 15 at Copenhagen, GMC’s participation in this project might be seen as a voluntary step in the right direction towards reducing global carbon emissions, he added.
Of the total cities participated in the project, 40 were from India and 13 were from the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The initiative was implemented by ICLEI – South Asia and was supported by the British High Commission, New Delhi.
Under the project, the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon shared the information related to energy consumption in various sectors, such as- street lighting, transportation, water pumping system, residential, commercial, industrial, etc. under the jurisdiction of Gurgaon Municipal Corporation. ICLEI -South Asia analysed this information to arrive at the City Energy Status Report, which indicates energy consumption by considered service sectors and resultant carbon emissions.
A similar exercise has been carried out with 52 other South Asian cities leading to the preparation of the Carbon Emission Inventory of the 53 South Asian cities.
In June this year, at the sub national workshop in Bhopal, ICLEI South Asia discussed the analysis with the Municipal Corporation.
The analysis estimated the city’s total carbon emissions to be 251626 tonnes of CO2e. Corporaiton activities result in 6889.39 tonnes and community activities contribute 2544736.61 tonnes of CO2e emission. The per capita CO2e emission in Gurgaon is 2.13 tonnes.
ICLEI South Asia discussed action plans covering energy efficient & design based street lighting, efficient transport management, energy efficient, water pumping system, waste management & enhancement of urban livability and sustainability, that if implemented, will facilities in further reducing carbon emissions, in the city.
The Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon, Mr. R.K.Khullar thanked ICLEI South Asia and the British High Commission for studying and analyzing their City’s emissions and indicating avenues to reduce carbon emissions in the city. He expressed his happiness at representing Gurgaon city at COP 15 as a part of the South Asia delegation and looks forward to bringing back enriching experiences to share with the city.
Formally releasing the analysis and findings of the project at a press conference, Mr.Khullar said that the detailed information was available with the Gurgaon Municipal Corporation and with ICLEI South Asia, which can be approached for further details.
Under this project the energy status for all other project cities was also being released. Carbon emission status of 40 cities across India would be known to the world if the press and media reported the release of these reports, he added.
Mr.Khullar said that climate change was the most evident environment, social and economic problem facing the world today. He said, "We have to move from a high energy-use, wasteful economic model to one that conserves energy and minimizes waste. In other words we have to be more efficient."
Given India’s critical role in the upcoming COP 15 at Copenhagen, GMC’s participation in this project might be seen as a voluntary step in the right direction towards reducing global carbon emissions, he added.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
renewable energy awards for panchayats
July 2- Haryana Government has launched a new scheme toencourage energy conservation in the villages of the state. Under thescheme, the deserving Panchayats will be awarded with cash prizesranging from Rs twenty thousand to Rs four lakh for popularizing theapplications of various non-conventional and renewable sources ofenergy in their respective villages.
While stating this here today, an official spokesman said thatthe Government had invited applications from the Panchayats which hadadopted energy conservation measures to conserve electricity in theirvillages. The applications were required to be submitted in theconcerned DRDA office by July 10. The Panchayats would be awarded atthe state and district level for the excellent work carried out bythem in the field of energy conservation. Panchayats bagging thefirst, second and third prize at state level would be awarded with acash amount of Rs 4 lakh, Rs 3 lakh and Rs 2 lakh respectively. Inthe same manner, Panchayats bagging first position at district levelwould be awarded cash prize of Rs 50 thousand and Panchayats baggingsecond position Rs 25 thousand.
He said that those Panchayats would be awarded which had promoted theuse of Solar Lantern, Solar Home Lighting, Solar Street Lighting, BioGas Plants and Compact Fluorescent Lamps in the villages. ThePanchayats would be awarded on August 20, the occasion of birthanniversary of former Prime Minister, late Mr Rajiv Gandhi. This daywas also observed as Renewable Energy Day in the country.
While stating this here today, an official spokesman said thatthe Government had invited applications from the Panchayats which hadadopted energy conservation measures to conserve electricity in theirvillages. The applications were required to be submitted in theconcerned DRDA office by July 10. The Panchayats would be awarded atthe state and district level for the excellent work carried out bythem in the field of energy conservation. Panchayats bagging thefirst, second and third prize at state level would be awarded with acash amount of Rs 4 lakh, Rs 3 lakh and Rs 2 lakh respectively. Inthe same manner, Panchayats bagging first position at district levelwould be awarded cash prize of Rs 50 thousand and Panchayats baggingsecond position Rs 25 thousand.
He said that those Panchayats would be awarded which had promoted theuse of Solar Lantern, Solar Home Lighting, Solar Street Lighting, BioGas Plants and Compact Fluorescent Lamps in the villages. ThePanchayats would be awarded on August 20, the occasion of birthanniversary of former Prime Minister, late Mr Rajiv Gandhi. This daywas also observed as Renewable Energy Day in the country.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ambient Air monitoring station at faridabad
Haryana State Pollution Control Board will setup a continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station at Faridabad for continuous analysis and data capture.Giving this information here today , spokesman of the Board said thatthe continuous data of results would be displayed on highway forgeneral awareness of masses and for taking remedial measures forimprovement of Ambient Air Quality of Faridabad town. He said that parameters such as suspended particulate matter, sulphur dioxide,nitrogen oxides of hydro carbons, carbon monoxide, benzene and toluenexylene would be analysed through this monitoring. He said that this station would be set up at a cost of Rs 80 lakh approximately andwould continuously do the monitoring.He said that two other Ambient Air quality Monitoring stations werealready working in Faridabad but they were functional only twice aweek. He said that the data collected showed that the pollution levelwas controlled in the district and time to time numbers of measureswere taken to combat with pollution problem in the district.He said that soon the vehicular pollution would also minimize aftermore and more CNG fuel pumps would open in the region. He said thatstrict monitoring would be done after adequate number of CNG fuelpumps open in the area.He said that all polluting industries of the State had been persuadedto install Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and Air Pollution ControlMeasures (APCM) for controlling water and air pollution. He said thatmore than 95 per cent polluting industries have now installed ETP andAPCM and brought it to compliance mode in the State. He said that theremaining units were in process of installation and action was beingtaken against the persistent defaulting units functioning across theState.He said that common facility for treatment, storage and disposal ofhazardous waste was being developed at village Pali, Faridabad. He said that temporary storage facility was being developed at Pali whichwould be followed by Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage andDisposal facility and the same was likely to start by the year end.
ambient air,
haryana pollution control board,
Friday, February 27, 2009
mobile exhibition van on renewable energy
Feb 26- Haryana Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy, Mr.Ashok Lavasa today flagged off specially designed Mobile Exhibition Van on Renewable Energy here today to disseminate information about benefits of renewable energy among the people.
While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Lavasa described renewable energy as the power of future which would not only provide Green Energy but also help in reducing the demand of conventional electricity. He felt that there was a need to create awareness amongst the masses, specifically the students about the renewable energy technologies and devices.
Director, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Mrs Sumita Misra said that this Mobile Exhibition Van was got fabricated by HAREDA at a cost of Rs. 18 lakh out of which Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, provided a grant of Rs. 15 lakh. She further informed that all the working Renewable Energy Devices like Solar Photovoltaic Street Lights, Home Lighting System, Solar Pump, Solar Cooker, Solar Operated Television, Solar Water Heating System, Solar Battery Charger, Biogas Plant & Wind Mill have been displayed on this van so that the masses might be explained about their working, benefits, cost and available incentives.
The Van has SPV modules of 500 watt capacity to operate these systems. She further said that this van would cover all the districts and all the private as well as Government schools besides other educational institutions.
She said that HAREDA has already launched a massive publicity campaign on Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Initiatives in the State through Radio Jingles, Radio Energy Quiz Urja Mantra on Energy Conservation twice a week, advertisement in Newspapers, bus back panels, brochures, Posters, hoardings and wall paintings so that awareness among the masses about Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation be created.
While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Lavasa described renewable energy as the power of future which would not only provide Green Energy but also help in reducing the demand of conventional electricity. He felt that there was a need to create awareness amongst the masses, specifically the students about the renewable energy technologies and devices.
Director, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Mrs Sumita Misra said that this Mobile Exhibition Van was got fabricated by HAREDA at a cost of Rs. 18 lakh out of which Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, provided a grant of Rs. 15 lakh. She further informed that all the working Renewable Energy Devices like Solar Photovoltaic Street Lights, Home Lighting System, Solar Pump, Solar Cooker, Solar Operated Television, Solar Water Heating System, Solar Battery Charger, Biogas Plant & Wind Mill have been displayed on this van so that the masses might be explained about their working, benefits, cost and available incentives.
The Van has SPV modules of 500 watt capacity to operate these systems. She further said that this van would cover all the districts and all the private as well as Government schools besides other educational institutions.
She said that HAREDA has already launched a massive publicity campaign on Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Initiatives in the State through Radio Jingles, Radio Energy Quiz Urja Mantra on Energy Conservation twice a week, advertisement in Newspapers, bus back panels, brochures, Posters, hoardings and wall paintings so that awareness among the masses about Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation be created.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
energy audit in raj bhawan
Feb 26 - Haryana Raj Bhawan is the first Government building of Haryana where energy audited recommendations have been implemented comprehensively, thus making an annual saving of 1.20 lakh units of electricity amounting to Rs 4.80 lakh in the electricity bill.
While stating this here today, Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, Haryana Renewable Energy Department and Chairman, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Mr Ashok Lavasa said that HAREDA has got conducted energy audit in Haryana Raj Bhawan here through M/s NITCON, Chandigarh to optimise the energy consumption level. He said that it was recommended in the energy audit report that there was a potential to save 1.20 lakh units annually on adoption of energy efficient measures with an immediate investment of Rs 16.16 lakh. The entire investment would be recovered within three-and-a-half years through saving on electricity bill of Haryana Raj Bhawan. Director, Renewable Energy Department and Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Ms Sumita Misra said that while implementing recommendations of the energy audit report for Haryana Raj Bhawan, its all energy inefficient devices have been got replaced with CFLs, T-5, 28 Watt tubelights fittings, T-5, 2X28 Watt recess and surface type mirror optics tubelights fittings, 80 Watt induction lights and 150 Watt metal halide lamps, 1500 lpd solar water heating system, 1.5 ton 4 star rated split AC, 1.5 ton 4 star rated window AC, 11 Watt CFL concealed lights and LED solar street lights.
She said that Haryana was one of few states in the country where scheme of energy audit of government buildings has been launched. She said that Energy Conservation Act, 2001 has been enforced with effect from March 1, 2007.
For implementation of energy conservation activities in the state and to comply with the provisions of the Act, Haryana Government has designated the Department of Renewable Energy of the State as the State Nodal Agency. The Department has prepared an energy conservation action plan and under this plan, one of the activities was conducting energy audit of government buildings.
While stating this here today, Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, Haryana Renewable Energy Department and Chairman, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Mr Ashok Lavasa said that HAREDA has got conducted energy audit in Haryana Raj Bhawan here through M/s NITCON, Chandigarh to optimise the energy consumption level. He said that it was recommended in the energy audit report that there was a potential to save 1.20 lakh units annually on adoption of energy efficient measures with an immediate investment of Rs 16.16 lakh. The entire investment would be recovered within three-and-a-half years through saving on electricity bill of Haryana Raj Bhawan. Director, Renewable Energy Department and Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Ms Sumita Misra said that while implementing recommendations of the energy audit report for Haryana Raj Bhawan, its all energy inefficient devices have been got replaced with CFLs, T-5, 28 Watt tubelights fittings, T-5, 2X28 Watt recess and surface type mirror optics tubelights fittings, 80 Watt induction lights and 150 Watt metal halide lamps, 1500 lpd solar water heating system, 1.5 ton 4 star rated split AC, 1.5 ton 4 star rated window AC, 11 Watt CFL concealed lights and LED solar street lights.
She said that Haryana was one of few states in the country where scheme of energy audit of government buildings has been launched. She said that Energy Conservation Act, 2001 has been enforced with effect from March 1, 2007.
For implementation of energy conservation activities in the state and to comply with the provisions of the Act, Haryana Government has designated the Department of Renewable Energy of the State as the State Nodal Agency. The Department has prepared an energy conservation action plan and under this plan, one of the activities was conducting energy audit of government buildings.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
CFL's to consumers in haryana
Feb. 25 – In order to ensure the conservation of electricity, energy efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) are being provided to the consumers in all districts of Haryana on subsidized rates. The State has already decided to provide two CFLs free of cost to the people living below poverty line under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna.
It was stated by Haryana Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary (Power), Ashok Lavasa while talking to the media persons after launching of the Bachat Lamp Yojna of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India by Union Minister of Power, Mr Sushilkumar Shinde at New Delhi today. The scheme aims to replace incandescent bulbs in households with CFLs, and seeks to use the carbon credit revenues from this replacement to be able to provide CFLs to households at the price of incandescent bulbs.
He said that a tripartite agreement has been entered into between BEE, Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam and M/s OSRAM GmbH for implementation of a Clean Development Mechanism - CFL distribution project in the State under which 5.40 lac CFLs would be distributed in district Yamuna Nagar and Sonipat and will earn CER credits. Over 12,000 CFLs have already been distributed. It has been targeted to distribute 5.28 lac CFLs during the next six months. The parties are contemplating the development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) programme activity using an approved methodology pursuant to the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol applied to residential lighting for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in sustainable energy savings in these districts. The BEE will be the monitoring agency for the project.He further stated that the facility of replacement of GLS bulbs with CFLs will be provided to the registered customers only. Households can substitute upto two incandescent light bulbs in their home by CFLs under the project. Only GLS bulbs with wattages equal to or higher than 60 Watt will be replaced. The 100 Watt GLS bulb will be replaced with 20 Watt CFL and 60 Watt GLS bulbs will be replaced with 15 Watt CFL.
The project will lead to considerable electricity consumption savings in the households that take part in the project. The project will therefore lead to reduced consumption of fossil fuel-based generated electricity and thus reduce GHG emissions. The cost of the CFL @ Rs. 15 per lamp shall be recovered from the households which is mainly the cost of collection and disposal of collected GLS lamps and fused CFLs as per guidelines of the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MOEF). The project has already been cleared by the MOEF and is under validation and approval from United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Referring to the steps initiated in the State to promote energy conservation in domestic sector, he also said that Haryana has been promising measures for conservation of electricity its district Sirsa was the first district in India to replace 100% GLS bulbs with CFLs. Binola in district Gurgaon was first CFL village in the country. First CFL feeder, first CFL Operation Sub Division and first CFL Operation Division are also in Haryana. The State also plans to provide doorstep pickup facility of fused CFLs to the consumers through Bijli Suvidha Kendras, if they offer minimum four bulbs for disposal. The unbroken fused CLFs will be stored in steel drums of adequate size at the sub divisional level. These will be stored at sub divisions, with an upward movement to circle stored and then to disposal centre in the first week of every month. It will be ensured that the fused to CFLs are disposed of in such a way that there is no pollution in the environment, he added.
It was stated by Haryana Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary (Power), Ashok Lavasa while talking to the media persons after launching of the Bachat Lamp Yojna of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India by Union Minister of Power, Mr Sushilkumar Shinde at New Delhi today. The scheme aims to replace incandescent bulbs in households with CFLs, and seeks to use the carbon credit revenues from this replacement to be able to provide CFLs to households at the price of incandescent bulbs.
He said that a tripartite agreement has been entered into between BEE, Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam and M/s OSRAM GmbH for implementation of a Clean Development Mechanism - CFL distribution project in the State under which 5.40 lac CFLs would be distributed in district Yamuna Nagar and Sonipat and will earn CER credits. Over 12,000 CFLs have already been distributed. It has been targeted to distribute 5.28 lac CFLs during the next six months. The parties are contemplating the development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) programme activity using an approved methodology pursuant to the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol applied to residential lighting for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in sustainable energy savings in these districts. The BEE will be the monitoring agency for the project.He further stated that the facility of replacement of GLS bulbs with CFLs will be provided to the registered customers only. Households can substitute upto two incandescent light bulbs in their home by CFLs under the project. Only GLS bulbs with wattages equal to or higher than 60 Watt will be replaced. The 100 Watt GLS bulb will be replaced with 20 Watt CFL and 60 Watt GLS bulbs will be replaced with 15 Watt CFL.
The project will lead to considerable electricity consumption savings in the households that take part in the project. The project will therefore lead to reduced consumption of fossil fuel-based generated electricity and thus reduce GHG emissions. The cost of the CFL @ Rs. 15 per lamp shall be recovered from the households which is mainly the cost of collection and disposal of collected GLS lamps and fused CFLs as per guidelines of the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MOEF). The project has already been cleared by the MOEF and is under validation and approval from United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Referring to the steps initiated in the State to promote energy conservation in domestic sector, he also said that Haryana has been promising measures for conservation of electricity its district Sirsa was the first district in India to replace 100% GLS bulbs with CFLs. Binola in district Gurgaon was first CFL village in the country. First CFL feeder, first CFL Operation Sub Division and first CFL Operation Division are also in Haryana. The State also plans to provide doorstep pickup facility of fused CFLs to the consumers through Bijli Suvidha Kendras, if they offer minimum four bulbs for disposal. The unbroken fused CLFs will be stored in steel drums of adequate size at the sub divisional level. These will be stored at sub divisions, with an upward movement to circle stored and then to disposal centre in the first week of every month. It will be ensured that the fused to CFLs are disposed of in such a way that there is no pollution in the environment, he added.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Solar home lighting system
Chandigarh, February 18 - Village Iqbalpur of Gurgaon district hasattained the distinction of becoming first 100 per cent Solar HomeLighting System covered village of Haryana. The Deputy Commissioner ofGurgaon, Deepti Umashankar yesterday distributed solar home lightingsystem to 201st customer of the village in a programme organized atGurgaon.
The Gurgaon Gramin Bank in collaboration with Bharitya Vikas TrustManipal Karnataka and M/s Tata BP Solar India Ltd. has helped thisvillage to attain the status. The Bank provided 100 per cent loanfacility for installation of solar home lighting system.
The bank hashelped in setting up of 3000 solar home lighting systems in ruralareas as a result of which about 15 KW power has been saved.In her address, Deepti Umashankar underlined the importance ofnon-conventional energy sources in the present day situation and saidthat the potential of solar energy could be used to fill up the gapbetween demand and supply of power. She lauded the role played byGurgaon Gramin Bank in making this village a 100 per cent solar homelighting village and said that it had set an example for othervillages to replicate.Highlighting the uses of non-conventional energy sources, she saidthat it helped in saving power and reducing the bill of electricity.
She appealed the people to work for energy conservation which is needof the hour.She advised the bankers present in the function to impart training tothe people, especially women in use of non-conventional energy sourcesand other income generating programmes, which would enable the BPLfamilies to improve their living standard. For this, self help groupsneeded to be strengthened in villages.The Deputy Commissioner honoured the first customer Mrs. Kiran andthe 201st customer Mr Rajesh Kumar of the village who adopted thesolar home lighting system. She also presented loan sanction lettersto the villagers and self help groups of the village.Earlier, The Chairman of Gurgaon Gramin Bank, NT Hegde whilepresiding over the function said that the bank had fixed a target ofsetting up 5000 solar home lighting systems by the end of thisfinancial year.
Effortsshould also be made to provide lights(Roshani) to the people, as itwas equally important, specially for education. Amit Kumar, Deputy GMof Tata BP solar also highlighted the uses of solar energy which wasavailable in abundance in India.
The Gurgaon Gramin Bank in collaboration with Bharitya Vikas TrustManipal Karnataka and M/s Tata BP Solar India Ltd. has helped thisvillage to attain the status. The Bank provided 100 per cent loanfacility for installation of solar home lighting system.
The bank hashelped in setting up of 3000 solar home lighting systems in ruralareas as a result of which about 15 KW power has been saved.In her address, Deepti Umashankar underlined the importance ofnon-conventional energy sources in the present day situation and saidthat the potential of solar energy could be used to fill up the gapbetween demand and supply of power. She lauded the role played byGurgaon Gramin Bank in making this village a 100 per cent solar homelighting village and said that it had set an example for othervillages to replicate.Highlighting the uses of non-conventional energy sources, she saidthat it helped in saving power and reducing the bill of electricity.
She appealed the people to work for energy conservation which is needof the hour.She advised the bankers present in the function to impart training tothe people, especially women in use of non-conventional energy sourcesand other income generating programmes, which would enable the BPLfamilies to improve their living standard. For this, self help groupsneeded to be strengthened in villages.The Deputy Commissioner honoured the first customer Mrs. Kiran andthe 201st customer Mr Rajesh Kumar of the village who adopted thesolar home lighting system. She also presented loan sanction lettersto the villagers and self help groups of the village.Earlier, The Chairman of Gurgaon Gramin Bank, NT Hegde whilepresiding over the function said that the bank had fixed a target ofsetting up 5000 solar home lighting systems by the end of thisfinancial year.
Effortsshould also be made to provide lights(Roshani) to the people, as itwas equally important, specially for education. Amit Kumar, Deputy GMof Tata BP solar also highlighted the uses of solar energy which wasavailable in abundance in India.
Monday, February 09, 2009
International Conference on Environmental Changes and Sustained Development
Feb 9 - The Haryana Governor, Dr. A.R. Kidwai todayinaugurated a three-day First International Conference on'Environmental Changes and Sustained Development' organised at Hisarby the Environmental Science and Engineering Department of GuruJambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar.
The Conference has been organised under the aegis of TechnicalEducation Quality Improvement Programme of the World Bank. Dr. RushShenal, Deputy Director, National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration, USA is the guest of honour in the Conference.Dr. Kidwai, who is also the Chancellor of the University, honoured arenowned Environmentalist, Sant Balbir Singh of Nirmal Kutiya Sichwalwith Madhu Bhasin Memorial Award. He also released the proceedings ofthe Conference.Addressing the Conference, Dr. Kidwai said that the emission of thegreen house gases, particularly carbon dioxide gas was polluting ourenvironment and this pollution was increasing day by day, which is amatter of great concern. Effective steps would have to be taken todeal with this problem, he added.
He said that changes in environment were affecting our socio-economiclife, resulting in many serious problems. Because of environmentalchanges, it had become difficult to achieve the target of sustaineddevelopment. He urged the people to use solar energy in agricultureand industries, which causes no pollution. People should be made awareof the uses and benefits of the solar energy which can be helpful inrebuilding India by redressing the problem of power shortage.Expressing his deep concern at ever increasing temperature of theearth, Dr. Kidwai said that by the end of this century, thetemperature of the earth would increase by six degree celsius due toglobal warming, which would affect the life and resources of thedeveloping countries. It was high time to take this problem seriously,as 40 per cent population today was facing the problem of drinkingwater and by 2030, half population would come in this bracket and inthe western countries, 90 per cent people would be facing thisproblem. As per an estimate, one-third of the fish and one-fourth ofmammals were on the verge of extinct.Dr. Devender Dayal Singh Sandhu, the Vice-Chancellor of theUniversity underscored the need for evolving a cohesive policy forenvironment and development at international level to avoid theeffects of environment pollution.
Today, World was facing a number ofproblems like decreasing water table, food protection, global warmingand shortage of power, etc. Time had come to work unitedly to save ourenvironment, he added.Addressing the Conference, Dr. Rush Shenal said that the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA would like to undertakeresearch work in the field of environment with the cooperation of thestudents and teachers of Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar.
The Conference has been organised under the aegis of TechnicalEducation Quality Improvement Programme of the World Bank. Dr. RushShenal, Deputy Director, National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration, USA is the guest of honour in the Conference.Dr. Kidwai, who is also the Chancellor of the University, honoured arenowned Environmentalist, Sant Balbir Singh of Nirmal Kutiya Sichwalwith Madhu Bhasin Memorial Award. He also released the proceedings ofthe Conference.Addressing the Conference, Dr. Kidwai said that the emission of thegreen house gases, particularly carbon dioxide gas was polluting ourenvironment and this pollution was increasing day by day, which is amatter of great concern. Effective steps would have to be taken todeal with this problem, he added.
He said that changes in environment were affecting our socio-economiclife, resulting in many serious problems. Because of environmentalchanges, it had become difficult to achieve the target of sustaineddevelopment. He urged the people to use solar energy in agricultureand industries, which causes no pollution. People should be made awareof the uses and benefits of the solar energy which can be helpful inrebuilding India by redressing the problem of power shortage.Expressing his deep concern at ever increasing temperature of theearth, Dr. Kidwai said that by the end of this century, thetemperature of the earth would increase by six degree celsius due toglobal warming, which would affect the life and resources of thedeveloping countries. It was high time to take this problem seriously,as 40 per cent population today was facing the problem of drinkingwater and by 2030, half population would come in this bracket and inthe western countries, 90 per cent people would be facing thisproblem. As per an estimate, one-third of the fish and one-fourth ofmammals were on the verge of extinct.Dr. Devender Dayal Singh Sandhu, the Vice-Chancellor of theUniversity underscored the need for evolving a cohesive policy forenvironment and development at international level to avoid theeffects of environment pollution.
Today, World was facing a number ofproblems like decreasing water table, food protection, global warmingand shortage of power, etc. Time had come to work unitedly to save ourenvironment, he added.Addressing the Conference, Dr. Rush Shenal said that the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA would like to undertakeresearch work in the field of environment with the cooperation of thestudents and teachers of Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Solar Green Cities
5 Feb. - Gurgaon and Faridabad Cities of Haryana havebeen selected for development as Solar/Green Cities under the schemeof Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India.While disclosing this here today, a spokesman of the Renewable EnergyDepartment said that approval in principle for the Gurgaon City hadalready been received and approval for Faridabad City was to bereceived soon from the Ministry.Giving the details of the Programme, he said that Ministry of New &Renewable Energy, Govt. of India had introduced a new programme of"Development of Solar Cities" during the 11th Plan period with theobjective to enable/empower Urban Local Governments to address energychallenges at city level. Under the programme, a total of 60 citieshaving population between 5 lakh to 50 lakh were proposed to besupported for development as solar/green cities during the 11th Planperiod, out of which approval in principle for 15 cities includingGurgaon City had already been accorded by the Ministry.
He said that the project aimed at minimum 10 per cent reduction inprojected demand of conventional energy at the end of five years,which can be achieved through a combination of energy efficiencymeasures and enhancing supply from Renewable Energy Sources. Under the programme, Urban Local Governments would be assisted for preparationof master plan for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energysupply in the City, setting up institutional arrangements for theimplementation of master plan and awareness generation and capacitybuilding activities including setting up of Solar City Cell in theCity Council for planning and implementation.
The project also aimedto include the proposals for carbon financing also.He said that for this programme, the Ministry would provide financialassistance of Rs. 50 lakh per city i.e Rs. 10 lakh for preparation ofMaster Plan, Rs. 10 lakh for setting up of Solar Cell and itsfunctioning for five years, Rs. 10 lakh for implementation during fiveyears and remaining Rs. 20 lakh for other promotional activities.
The financial assistance for installation of various renewable energy andenergy conservation systems/projects would also be availed from theongoing schemes of the Ministry.
The spokesman said that the first step under this project would be toprepare the five years Master Plan having energy base line for theseCities including sector-wise energy consumption matrix and energysupply mix for the base year for all the sectors i.e residential,industrial, commercial and institutional sector, municipal sector anddemand forecasting for next five years. In this plan, sector-wisestrategies would be prepared for energy efficiency and to maximize theuse of renewable energy with the involvement of local stakeholders.
He said that for this activity, the consultant would be hired toobtain the secondary data from the various sources besides conductingsurvey about present fuel consumption in various sectors, informationon energy appliances/equipments, energy performance or efficiency ofutilization, consumption patterns and consumer preferences, experiencewith use of renewable energy systems and design and constructionpractices for different type of buildings having an impact on energyconsumption. In this Master Plan, the energy demand for next five andten years upto the year 2018 would be predicted keeping in view thegrowth in energy use in different sectors.He said that before finalization, the Master Plan would be discussedin a stakeholder consultation workshop having representation fromelected representatives, local research and academic institutions,resident welfare associations, industries and corporate organizationsand NGOs, etc.
He said that the project aimed at minimum 10 per cent reduction inprojected demand of conventional energy at the end of five years,which can be achieved through a combination of energy efficiencymeasures and enhancing supply from Renewable Energy Sources. Under the programme, Urban Local Governments would be assisted for preparationof master plan for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energysupply in the City, setting up institutional arrangements for theimplementation of master plan and awareness generation and capacitybuilding activities including setting up of Solar City Cell in theCity Council for planning and implementation.
The project also aimedto include the proposals for carbon financing also.He said that for this programme, the Ministry would provide financialassistance of Rs. 50 lakh per city i.e Rs. 10 lakh for preparation ofMaster Plan, Rs. 10 lakh for setting up of Solar Cell and itsfunctioning for five years, Rs. 10 lakh for implementation during fiveyears and remaining Rs. 20 lakh for other promotional activities.
The financial assistance for installation of various renewable energy andenergy conservation systems/projects would also be availed from theongoing schemes of the Ministry.
The spokesman said that the first step under this project would be toprepare the five years Master Plan having energy base line for theseCities including sector-wise energy consumption matrix and energysupply mix for the base year for all the sectors i.e residential,industrial, commercial and institutional sector, municipal sector anddemand forecasting for next five years. In this plan, sector-wisestrategies would be prepared for energy efficiency and to maximize theuse of renewable energy with the involvement of local stakeholders.
He said that for this activity, the consultant would be hired toobtain the secondary data from the various sources besides conductingsurvey about present fuel consumption in various sectors, informationon energy appliances/equipments, energy performance or efficiency ofutilization, consumption patterns and consumer preferences, experiencewith use of renewable energy systems and design and constructionpractices for different type of buildings having an impact on energyconsumption. In this Master Plan, the energy demand for next five andten years upto the year 2018 would be predicted keeping in view thegrowth in energy use in different sectors.He said that before finalization, the Master Plan would be discussedin a stakeholder consultation workshop having representation fromelected representatives, local research and academic institutions,resident welfare associations, industries and corporate organizationsand NGOs, etc.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Energy audits in Government Buildings
January 26: The Haryana Renewable Energy Department has launched a scheme to audit energy consumption in the Government buildings of the State with a view to minimize the energy cost and to plug the gap between energy supply and consumption. Haryana is one of the few States in the country to launch this type of a scheme.
While giving this information the Director of Renewable Energy Department and HAREDA Ms. Sumita Misra said that the department had prepared an Energy Conservation Action Plan. One of the activities to be taken up under this action plan was conducting an energy audit of Government buildings.
She said that Energy audit was a tool to a systematic approach for decision making in the area of energy management with implementation of recommendation to bring energy efficiency in these buildings. In view of this, the Energy audit of Haryana Raj Bhawan was also got conducted by HAREDA through NITCON Chandigarh and the report recommended that there was a potential saving of 1.20 lakh units annually on adoption of energy efficient measures with the immediate investment of Rs. 16.16 lakh. It was also suggested in the report that inefficient air conditioning units may be replaced with efficient air conditioners, the conventional tubes and bulbs would be replaced with energy efficient CFL and T-5 tube lights and High Pressure Sodium Vapour lamps with Metal Halide Lamps. Similarly, LED solar streetlights and solar water heating systems were also proposed in the energy audit to meet the outdoor lighting and hot water requirement of Raj Bhawan.
Ms. Sumita said that the recommendations of Energy Audit had been implemented in Haryana Raj Bhawan by HAREDA and all energy inefficient devices had been got replaced with CFLs, T-5, 28 watt tube lights fittings, T-5, 2x28 watt recess and surface type mirror optics tube lights fittings, 80 watt induction lights and 150 watt metal halide lamps, 1500LPD Solar Water Heating System, 1.5 Ton 4 star rated split AC, 1.5 Ton 4 star rated window AC, 11 watt CFL concealed lights and LED Solar Street lights.
She said that this was the first building in Haryana Where Energy audit recommendation had been implemented comprehensively. She said that this replacement would result in annual saving of 1.20 lakh units of electricity amounting to Rs. 4.80 lakh in the electricity bills of Haryana Raj Bhawan and the entire investment would be recovered with in a period of three and a half years through saving on electricity bill.
She said that Energy Conservation Act-2001 had come into force with effect from March 1, 2007. The State Government had designated the Department of Renewable Energy as the State Nodal Agency for the implementation of Energy Conservation activities in the State and to comply with the provisions of Energy Conservation Act.
While giving this information the Director of Renewable Energy Department and HAREDA Ms. Sumita Misra said that the department had prepared an Energy Conservation Action Plan. One of the activities to be taken up under this action plan was conducting an energy audit of Government buildings.
She said that Energy audit was a tool to a systematic approach for decision making in the area of energy management with implementation of recommendation to bring energy efficiency in these buildings. In view of this, the Energy audit of Haryana Raj Bhawan was also got conducted by HAREDA through NITCON Chandigarh and the report recommended that there was a potential saving of 1.20 lakh units annually on adoption of energy efficient measures with the immediate investment of Rs. 16.16 lakh. It was also suggested in the report that inefficient air conditioning units may be replaced with efficient air conditioners, the conventional tubes and bulbs would be replaced with energy efficient CFL and T-5 tube lights and High Pressure Sodium Vapour lamps with Metal Halide Lamps. Similarly, LED solar streetlights and solar water heating systems were also proposed in the energy audit to meet the outdoor lighting and hot water requirement of Raj Bhawan.
Ms. Sumita said that the recommendations of Energy Audit had been implemented in Haryana Raj Bhawan by HAREDA and all energy inefficient devices had been got replaced with CFLs, T-5, 28 watt tube lights fittings, T-5, 2x28 watt recess and surface type mirror optics tube lights fittings, 80 watt induction lights and 150 watt metal halide lamps, 1500LPD Solar Water Heating System, 1.5 Ton 4 star rated split AC, 1.5 Ton 4 star rated window AC, 11 watt CFL concealed lights and LED Solar Street lights.
She said that this was the first building in Haryana Where Energy audit recommendation had been implemented comprehensively. She said that this replacement would result in annual saving of 1.20 lakh units of electricity amounting to Rs. 4.80 lakh in the electricity bills of Haryana Raj Bhawan and the entire investment would be recovered with in a period of three and a half years through saving on electricity bill.
She said that Energy Conservation Act-2001 had come into force with effect from March 1, 2007. The State Government had designated the Department of Renewable Energy as the State Nodal Agency for the implementation of Energy Conservation activities in the State and to comply with the provisions of Energy Conservation Act.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Haryana Pollution Control Board to turn industry friendly
January 19—The Haryana Pollution Control Board (HPCB) is going hi-tech and turning industry-friendly. It has decided to go in for a web-enabled application submission software for the convenience of entrepreneurs. Once installed, it will not only enable entrepreneurs to check online the status of the No Objection Certificate (NOC) but also of the consent applications submitted to the board, sparing them the time and effort now made in making it the board office.
Besides, the board is also in the process of evolving software for e-filling of applications for consent and NOC. Making things easy for entrepreneurs, the board has prepared a policy notification simplifying NOC and consent procedure. Under the policy, the time to grant NOC and consent has been increased. Disclosing this today, Haryana Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mrs Kiran Choudhry, said that besides providing convenience to the entrepreneurs, the new software would enable the board to check the daily status of consent and NOC applications and also answer the applicants online. She directed all Regional Officers (ROs) to direct industrial units to e-file for consent to establish and consent to operate by January 26, 2009. After e-filling consent to establish, each unit will get a unique ID number and password to check the status of its case from time to time.
Adoption of the e-filing procedure would lend more transparency to the procedure which would be considerably paced up. Final decision on each case would be put on the website of the board and the entrepreneurs would be able to download it. Time period had been specified in the policy notification to clear consent to establish cases, she added. Detailing the consequent management process, Mrs Choudhry said that an applicant would file application form along with relevant fee and document as the first step. These documents would be verified by the Regional Officer, and, if found eligible, samples would be collected by the field officer under the RO and sent to the laboratory. The laboratory would prepare and send the analysis report back to the RO who would recommend the application to Head Office (HO) in case the investment involved is more than Rs 50 crore. In the last lap, the head office would send the final decision to the industrial unit and RO concerned, she added.
Mrs Choudhry said that the main objective of implementing this process was to smoothen the flow of data without any hurdles, and after adequate validation checks, its entry and security. She said this process would not only provide the facility of updating data from time to time but also facilitate prompt and specific retrieval of data. It would bring about flexibility in the system and check redundancy in storing the same data multiple times. The process would help achieve accuracy and maintain timeliness and comprehensiveness of the system. She said that the summarized data would be transferred electronically to the HO and would be used for reports generation. There would be no duplicity of data entry and it would be consistent and accurate.
The proposed system would generate all required MIS reports at Regional Office and HO level by all authorized persons. With this process, the present status of an application could be updated directly from the server, which is maintained at the HO. Also, the proposed system could be effectively utilized for monitoring compliance of various show-cause notices. It would also alert the user as soon as the show-cause notice expired, she added.
Besides, the board is also in the process of evolving software for e-filling of applications for consent and NOC. Making things easy for entrepreneurs, the board has prepared a policy notification simplifying NOC and consent procedure. Under the policy, the time to grant NOC and consent has been increased. Disclosing this today, Haryana Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mrs Kiran Choudhry, said that besides providing convenience to the entrepreneurs, the new software would enable the board to check the daily status of consent and NOC applications and also answer the applicants online. She directed all Regional Officers (ROs) to direct industrial units to e-file for consent to establish and consent to operate by January 26, 2009. After e-filling consent to establish, each unit will get a unique ID number and password to check the status of its case from time to time.
Adoption of the e-filing procedure would lend more transparency to the procedure which would be considerably paced up. Final decision on each case would be put on the website of the board and the entrepreneurs would be able to download it. Time period had been specified in the policy notification to clear consent to establish cases, she added. Detailing the consequent management process, Mrs Choudhry said that an applicant would file application form along with relevant fee and document as the first step. These documents would be verified by the Regional Officer, and, if found eligible, samples would be collected by the field officer under the RO and sent to the laboratory. The laboratory would prepare and send the analysis report back to the RO who would recommend the application to Head Office (HO) in case the investment involved is more than Rs 50 crore. In the last lap, the head office would send the final decision to the industrial unit and RO concerned, she added.
Mrs Choudhry said that the main objective of implementing this process was to smoothen the flow of data without any hurdles, and after adequate validation checks, its entry and security. She said this process would not only provide the facility of updating data from time to time but also facilitate prompt and specific retrieval of data. It would bring about flexibility in the system and check redundancy in storing the same data multiple times. The process would help achieve accuracy and maintain timeliness and comprehensiveness of the system. She said that the summarized data would be transferred electronically to the HO and would be used for reports generation. There would be no duplicity of data entry and it would be consistent and accurate.
The proposed system would generate all required MIS reports at Regional Office and HO level by all authorized persons. With this process, the present status of an application could be updated directly from the server, which is maintained at the HO. Also, the proposed system could be effectively utilized for monitoring compliance of various show-cause notices. It would also alert the user as soon as the show-cause notice expired, she added.
Conservation of Ground water
January 19: The Haryana Government is contemplating to introduce an Act on the conservation of ground water with a view to check the depleting level of underground water in the State. This Act would help in improving the level of ground water.
While giving this information today a spokesman of the Agriculture department said that as per the Act the farmers would not be able to sow paddy before the notified date of May 10 every year which would ultimately result in controlling the depletion of underground water. The department had also implemented a Ground Water Recharge Scheme to conserve water and for artificial recharge of ground water. So far 290 such structures had been constructed under the scheme.
He said that the department had also launched an awareness campaign to educate the farmers to prevent the sowing of Sathi Crop which was more water consuming and one of the prime reasons of depleting ground water. Under this campaign the famers were motivated to use sprinkle and drip irrigation and also irrigation through Underground Pipe Line system. The department had also made a provision to give subsidy to the farmers using these techniques which were helpful for saving water.
The spokesman said that now it had been made mandatory to construct water conservation structure on the roof tops of government buildings. The same had also been compulsory for the houses having an area of 100 or more in the HUDA sectors or falling under the jurisdiction of Municipalities. Similarly, the replacement of old flush tanks having capacity of 10 to 15 liters with new flush tanks of 8 liters capacity had also been made compulsory in the Government Buildings.
He said that after June 1974, in 15 districts comprising of Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Fatehabad, Gurgaon, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Mahendergarh, Mewat, Panipat, Panchkula, Rewari, Sonipat and Yamunanagar the ground water level had recorded a downfall of -5.75 mtr. on an average of -0.17 miter per year. Bhiwani had recorded a lowest downfall of -0.74mtr. as compared to highest downfall of -24.97mtr. in Mahendergarh district.
While giving this information today a spokesman of the Agriculture department said that as per the Act the farmers would not be able to sow paddy before the notified date of May 10 every year which would ultimately result in controlling the depletion of underground water. The department had also implemented a Ground Water Recharge Scheme to conserve water and for artificial recharge of ground water. So far 290 such structures had been constructed under the scheme.
He said that the department had also launched an awareness campaign to educate the farmers to prevent the sowing of Sathi Crop which was more water consuming and one of the prime reasons of depleting ground water. Under this campaign the famers were motivated to use sprinkle and drip irrigation and also irrigation through Underground Pipe Line system. The department had also made a provision to give subsidy to the farmers using these techniques which were helpful for saving water.
The spokesman said that now it had been made mandatory to construct water conservation structure on the roof tops of government buildings. The same had also been compulsory for the houses having an area of 100 or more in the HUDA sectors or falling under the jurisdiction of Municipalities. Similarly, the replacement of old flush tanks having capacity of 10 to 15 liters with new flush tanks of 8 liters capacity had also been made compulsory in the Government Buildings.
He said that after June 1974, in 15 districts comprising of Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Fatehabad, Gurgaon, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Mahendergarh, Mewat, Panipat, Panchkula, Rewari, Sonipat and Yamunanagar the ground water level had recorded a downfall of -5.75 mtr. on an average of -0.17 miter per year. Bhiwani had recorded a lowest downfall of -0.74mtr. as compared to highest downfall of -24.97mtr. in Mahendergarh district.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Environment Ministers press release
Chandigarh, January 14 - Haryana Minister of State for Forests and Environment, Mrs Kiran Choudhry directed the Haryana Forests Department to carry out satellite survey of forests in order to evaluate the success of the plantation done in the State. She also said that the land in the State should be divided into three zones based on the agro climatic conditions like arid zone, water zone and mixed zone to make required provisions as per the climatic conditions to effectively implement plantation work and to increase the forests cover in the State.
This was disclosed by the Mrs Choudhry while taking up the review meeting of the Haryana Forests Department at Red Bishop, Panchkula near here today.
She directed the two Chief Conservators of Forests incharge of four circles to tour their areas to keep a check on plantation activities and illegal mining and give a thorough report to the Department regularly. She said that today we are living in the economy driven time and we should market the products which were grown in herbal parks. She said that it was important that District Forests Officers (DFO's) take up economic generating activities in their respective districts. She said that medicinal plants should be grown in these herbal parks and extensive marketing should be done. She said that there was a need to restructure the Medicinal Plants Board and identify the varieties which were patented by the Board. She said that processing units of medicinal plants like aloe vera should be established by the Haryana Forestry Development Corporation.
She directed the all the DFO's to involve women in the Forestry projects and increase the number of nurseries run by women. She said that participation of women should ensured through Self Help Groups and by giving nursery work to women exclusively and augment their income.
She said that services and training of those officers should be utilized who get specialized training on Government expenditure. She said that the Department should start schemes which augment rural livelihood and take up social activities in their respective districts.
She urged the officials to utilize the funds provided under NAREGA and also a written intimation would be sent to all the District Commissioners for providing the funds directly to the concerned DFO's so that they could plant trees, raise nursuries for free distribution of saplings under Farm Forestry.
She asked the Haryana Forests Department to make an appropriate demand of budget from the Government for the coming financial year, keeping in mind that two of the foreign aided projects would be exhausted this year and there would be scarcity of funds to carry out the plantation work successfully in the State. She said that it was very important to preserve the Forests and Environment and no dereliction would be tolerated in this regard.
She asked the officers to take up the Eco tourism activities in their respective areas as it would bring the State on the global map and increase the tourists flow in the State. She said that first phase of Eco Tourism Project started at the Fort at Thapali in Morni had been completed and the second phase proposal had been sent to Government of India and soon the fort would be open for the tourists and visitors.
She said that in order to check the illegal mining in the State, a Committee should be constituted and strict actions should be taken by the officials in this regard. She said that coordination should be maintained with different departments to curb this menace of illegal mining and any laxity on the part of the officials would not be tolerated.
She said that artists workshops should be organised to create awareness amongst the masses and it was very important that various activities should be held at regular intervals to aware the people about the advantages of trees and environment.
This was disclosed by the Mrs Choudhry while taking up the review meeting of the Haryana Forests Department at Red Bishop, Panchkula near here today.
She directed the two Chief Conservators of Forests incharge of four circles to tour their areas to keep a check on plantation activities and illegal mining and give a thorough report to the Department regularly. She said that today we are living in the economy driven time and we should market the products which were grown in herbal parks. She said that it was important that District Forests Officers (DFO's) take up economic generating activities in their respective districts. She said that medicinal plants should be grown in these herbal parks and extensive marketing should be done. She said that there was a need to restructure the Medicinal Plants Board and identify the varieties which were patented by the Board. She said that processing units of medicinal plants like aloe vera should be established by the Haryana Forestry Development Corporation.
She directed the all the DFO's to involve women in the Forestry projects and increase the number of nurseries run by women. She said that participation of women should ensured through Self Help Groups and by giving nursery work to women exclusively and augment their income.
She said that services and training of those officers should be utilized who get specialized training on Government expenditure. She said that the Department should start schemes which augment rural livelihood and take up social activities in their respective districts.
She urged the officials to utilize the funds provided under NAREGA and also a written intimation would be sent to all the District Commissioners for providing the funds directly to the concerned DFO's so that they could plant trees, raise nursuries for free distribution of saplings under Farm Forestry.
She asked the Haryana Forests Department to make an appropriate demand of budget from the Government for the coming financial year, keeping in mind that two of the foreign aided projects would be exhausted this year and there would be scarcity of funds to carry out the plantation work successfully in the State. She said that it was very important to preserve the Forests and Environment and no dereliction would be tolerated in this regard.
She asked the officers to take up the Eco tourism activities in their respective areas as it would bring the State on the global map and increase the tourists flow in the State. She said that first phase of Eco Tourism Project started at the Fort at Thapali in Morni had been completed and the second phase proposal had been sent to Government of India and soon the fort would be open for the tourists and visitors.
She said that in order to check the illegal mining in the State, a Committee should be constituted and strict actions should be taken by the officials in this regard. She said that coordination should be maintained with different departments to curb this menace of illegal mining and any laxity on the part of the officials would not be tolerated.
She said that artists workshops should be organised to create awareness amongst the masses and it was very important that various activities should be held at regular intervals to aware the people about the advantages of trees and environment.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
simplification of policy for NOC
Dec. 30 - The Haryana State Pollution Control Board toay announced a policy for the simplification of procedure for granting consent for establish (NOC)/consent to operate projects/industry.
While disclosing this here today, the Chief Minister, Mr.Bhupinder Singh Hooda said that policy provides deem clearance i.e. grant of NOC to the projects covered under environment impact assessment notification dated September 14, 2006 once the environment clearance was granted by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests or by the State Authority by depositing performance guarantee and an undertaking for adherence to the standards laid down by the Board.
He said that this would greatly benefit the industry in getting time bound/deemed clearance from the Pollution Control Board and also consent to operate for a longer period which will save their valuable time by removing hassles of paper processing and unnecessary to the office of the Board.
He said that this policy will also reduce the paper work at the head quarters as well as in the field offices of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board by enhancing the tenure of consent for a period of 2 to 10 years and delegationof powers at the district level for projects having capital investment upto Rs.50 crore. This will also help in ensuring regular monitoring of polluting industries by making frequent inspections and more vigil on the defaulting units in order to clean rivers/canals/drains and maintaining wholesomeness of water and air in the State, he added.
Giving details of the policy, the Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mrs.Kiran Choudhry said that under the policy, all projects/industrial units covered under environment impact assessment notification, 2006 would be given deemed consent to establish (NOC) within 10 days once the environment clearance was granted under EIA notification, provided the project proponent submitted a bank guarantee of 0.5 per cent of the project cost alongwith an undertaking by the applicant indicating his awareness of the prescribed standards and his commitment to comply with the same.
She said that the performance bond would be refunded/retired at one-fifth of the value after every year of successful adherence to prescribed standards subsequent to the date of coming into production/operation of the project. The NOC/consent to establish would be provided within 10 days of the submission of the above documents alongwith the letter granting environmental clearance by the competent authority under the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification for category A projects and the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for projects in category B at the headquarters level after approval of the Chairman of the Board, she added.
Mrs.Kiran Choudhry said that the Board had identified 18 categories of polluting industries which are not covered by EIA notification and their consent to establish/consent to operate would be granted at the district level by the district level clerance committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner for all project upto investment cost of Rs.50 crore. The powers of grant of consent to operate had been delegated to a district level committee headed by Deputy Commissioner or the ADC to be specifically authorised by the Deputy Commissioner and consisting of the District Town Planner, the General Manager, District Industries Centre (GM, DIC), the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Executive Engineer of the Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Executive Engineer of the Power Distribution Utility, Deputy GM, HSIIDC, XEN Drainage, EO, HUDA and the Regional Officer as the Member Secretary for projects upto a capital investment of Rs.50 crore only.
She said that all the cases of consent to operate would be decided within 15 days in a time bound manner. Earlier these powers were delegated to the District Level Committee upto the project cost of Rs.five crore. The period of grant of consent had also been increased from two years to three years in case of project covered under EIA notification and 2 to 10 years in case of projects not covered under EIA notification. The consent to operate for case-II category would be granted for a minimum period of five years and maximum period of ten years against the existing procedure of granting yearly consent.
She said that the Board was considering an IT policy which would ensure e-filing of NOC/consent applications which will greatly benefit the industry and also help them in saving their valuable time and at the same time drastically reduce paper work of the Board.
While disclosing this here today, the Chief Minister, Mr.Bhupinder Singh Hooda said that policy provides deem clearance i.e. grant of NOC to the projects covered under environment impact assessment notification dated September 14, 2006 once the environment clearance was granted by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests or by the State Authority by depositing performance guarantee and an undertaking for adherence to the standards laid down by the Board.
He said that this would greatly benefit the industry in getting time bound/deemed clearance from the Pollution Control Board and also consent to operate for a longer period which will save their valuable time by removing hassles of paper processing and unnecessary to the office of the Board.
He said that this policy will also reduce the paper work at the head quarters as well as in the field offices of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board by enhancing the tenure of consent for a period of 2 to 10 years and delegationof powers at the district level for projects having capital investment upto Rs.50 crore. This will also help in ensuring regular monitoring of polluting industries by making frequent inspections and more vigil on the defaulting units in order to clean rivers/canals/drains and maintaining wholesomeness of water and air in the State, he added.
Giving details of the policy, the Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mrs.Kiran Choudhry said that under the policy, all projects/industrial units covered under environment impact assessment notification, 2006 would be given deemed consent to establish (NOC) within 10 days once the environment clearance was granted under EIA notification, provided the project proponent submitted a bank guarantee of 0.5 per cent of the project cost alongwith an undertaking by the applicant indicating his awareness of the prescribed standards and his commitment to comply with the same.
She said that the performance bond would be refunded/retired at one-fifth of the value after every year of successful adherence to prescribed standards subsequent to the date of coming into production/operation of the project. The NOC/consent to establish would be provided within 10 days of the submission of the above documents alongwith the letter granting environmental clearance by the competent authority under the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification for category A projects and the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for projects in category B at the headquarters level after approval of the Chairman of the Board, she added.
Mrs.Kiran Choudhry said that the Board had identified 18 categories of polluting industries which are not covered by EIA notification and their consent to establish/consent to operate would be granted at the district level by the district level clerance committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner for all project upto investment cost of Rs.50 crore. The powers of grant of consent to operate had been delegated to a district level committee headed by Deputy Commissioner or the ADC to be specifically authorised by the Deputy Commissioner and consisting of the District Town Planner, the General Manager, District Industries Centre (GM, DIC), the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Executive Engineer of the Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Executive Engineer of the Power Distribution Utility, Deputy GM, HSIIDC, XEN Drainage, EO, HUDA and the Regional Officer as the Member Secretary for projects upto a capital investment of Rs.50 crore only.
She said that all the cases of consent to operate would be decided within 15 days in a time bound manner. Earlier these powers were delegated to the District Level Committee upto the project cost of Rs.five crore. The period of grant of consent had also been increased from two years to three years in case of project covered under EIA notification and 2 to 10 years in case of projects not covered under EIA notification. The consent to operate for case-II category would be granted for a minimum period of five years and maximum period of ten years against the existing procedure of granting yearly consent.
She said that the Board was considering an IT policy which would ensure e-filing of NOC/consent applications which will greatly benefit the industry and also help them in saving their valuable time and at the same time drastically reduce paper work of the Board.
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