Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Haryana Electricity Department and CFL's
July 23 the Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) has decided to collect old unbroken burnt/used compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) incandescent bulbs and tube lights for proper disposal so that these are not harmful to the society and environment.A spokesman of the Nigam said here today that the DHBVN has launched an incentive scheme for collection of old burnt/used but unbroken lighting equipment. Under the scheme, the DHBVN would give one CFL of 15 watt free of cost against deposition of either 10 unbroken burnt CFLs or five unbroken burnt tube lights or five unburnt/working incandescent bulbs of power rating above 25 watt or 20 burnt unbroken incandescent bulbs or 15 lighting appliances of combination of these. The consumers shall have to bring the unbroken old lighting equipment properly packed in paper for the exchange, to avoid breakage during transit, to any sub divisional office or customer care centre of the Nigam. A consumer can also deposit one equipment at one time, but he would be given free CFL on depositing required number of equipments. The consumer will be given receipt in lieu of depositing the old lighting equipments. He should preserve the receipt as lucky draws would be held in each operation circle on Energy Conservation Day. The DHBVN would store the old burnt lighting appliances in steel drums of adequate size at Nigam's stores for proper disposal. The DHBVN would prefer recycling of CFLs as per recommendations of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).The spokesman said that the DHBVN was promoting use of energy efficient lighting appliances in order to minimize load on its distribution system during the peak load hours in the evening and morning compelling imposition of restrictions in power supply. Star rated CFL consumes only up to 25 per cent of electricity as compared to conventional incandescent bulb and has 10 times longer life.He said that mercury contributed in the environment by way of burning coal for generation of the extra electricity consumed by conventional yellow bulbs is much more than it is used in CFLs. However, DHBVN is concerned even to the small quantity of mercury that could go in the environment if CFLs go in land fills and water.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
committee for groundwater resources
July 15 – Haryana Government has constituted a committee comprising three cabinet ministers to finalize a bill to regulate andensure judicious use of groundwater in the State.This was stated here today by the Haryana Agriculture Minister Mr.Harmohinder Singh Chatha. He said that to keep a watch on decliningwater level in the State, the Ground Water Cell of the HaryanaAgriculture Department had established 2105 Grid observation points at20 square kilometres which were being monitored twice in a year i. eduring pre-monsoon and post monsoon. The Minister informed that under Accelerated Recharge of GroundwaterScheme, 257 rainwater harvesting structures had been constructed sofar with an expenditure of Rs. 151.81 lakh in the State as remedialmeasures to recharge groundwater through injection well technique.He said that these rainwater harvesting structures had beenconstructed in the Government buildings all over the State includedKrishi Bhawan, Panchkula, Judicial Complex, Gohana, SDM and AdditionalCivil Judge residence, Gohana, Public Health Complex and CivilHospital, Fatehabad, Mini-Secretariat building ,Jind, JDA Cottonoffice, Sirsa , HSEB Complex , Barara , Ambala and mainly Governmentschools located in the villages facing flooding problem during rainyseason, the same had improved with the implementation of this schemeviz-à-viz addition of water to groundwater.Mr. Chatha informed that a provision of Rs.75 lakh had been made forthe construction of rainwater harvesting structures under the schemeduring the current financial year. Mass awareness programme were beinglaunched through Pani Panchayat for conservation of water. TheDepartment would actively participate in the farmers meet organized indifferent districts to educate them for judicious use of ground water,he added.He said that the Agriculture Department was also implementing thewater conservation technologies under which sprinkler and dripirrigation system was made available to the farmers on subsidizedrates. The Department had launched a massive programme to stop thecropping of Sathi paddy which was water – guzzling crop and the areahad been reduced from 60,000 hectares to less than 500 hectares andthe farmers had been motivated to switch over to alternate crops likeSummer Moong and also resort to sowing of Dhaincha for green manuring,he added.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
state level van mahotsav
July 15– Haryana Chief Minister, Bhupinder Singh Hoodatoday said that under the new forest policy of the State Government,the area under forest cover would be increased from 7.13 per centthis year to 10 per cent by the year 2010. There were also plans toincrease it up to 20 per cent under the National Forest Policy, headded. The Chief Minister was addressing State level " Van Mahotsav"function and Rural Empowerment and Development Workshop organized bythe State Forest Department at Ateili in Mahendergarh district.The Chief Minister said that with the financial assistance of Rs 286crore from the Japan Bank of International Cooperation, an IntegratedNatural Resource Management and Poverty Reduction Project was beingexecuted. Under this project, the department had set a target to bring48,800 hectares of area under tree plantation by 2011. The governmenthad also sent a project namely Resource Management and LivelihoodProject involving an investment of Rs 230 crore to the World Bank fordevelopment of forests in the state. He cautioned that the rapid industrialization andmodernization had become a threat to maintain environmental balanceand it was the need of the hour to make afforestation a publicmovement to save the lives of future generations. He also stressed theneed for promotion of eco-tourism to make the children conscious ofnature and environment . Pointing out that the state had limited forest area, heasked the farmers to plant trees and the Haryana Forest DevelopmentCorporation would ensure remunerative prices for their timbre produce.For the benefit of farmers, a timber market is being set up atYamunanagar by the state government, he added. Mr Hooda exhorted the people that on every auspiciousoccasion like marriage, child birth every family member should planta tree and take full care of its growth and take pledge to make"Harit-Haryana" campaign a success. The Minister of State for Forest , Tourism, Environment,Sports and Youth Affairs, Mrs Kiran Chaudhary said that the forestdepartment had planned to plant five crore saplings during this year.Out of these, the forest department would plant two crore saplingwhereas three crore saplings would be distributed free of cost to thefarmers, in the schools, NGOs and other voluntary organizations, sheadded. In order to ensure the public participation, thedepartment had set up 1700 " gram Van Samitis" in the state , she saidand added that 1100 Self Help Group of women had also been formed inthe state for their empowerment and also to supplement their source ofincome. Mrs Chaudhary said that the state government had set up 24herbal parks in the state to motivate farmers to adopt cultivation ofmedicinal plants and announced that four more such parks would also beset up soon. MLAs Mr Naresh Yadav and Mr Radhe Shyam Sharma also spokeon the occasion. On the occasion, Mr Hooda also inaugurated an exhibitionof the products made by self help groups and also planted a sapling.Earlier while addressing a gathering at Bal Bharti High School,Bachhod, he pointed out that Ahirwal remained neglected during therules of previous governments in the state. He assured that no stonewould be left unturned in giving due share of Ahirwal in canal watersupplies and development activities.
Monday, July 14, 2008
10th World Congress on Renewable Energy
July 11- Dr. Yogender Kumar Yadav, Head of Department ofAgricultural Processing and Energy, Chaudhary Charan Singh HaryanaAgricultural University, Hisar has been selected by World RenewableEnergy Council as invited speaker to the 10th world congress onrenewable energy to be held at Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. from July19-25. Representatives of more than 100 countries are likely toparticipate in the congress.Dr. Yadav will be presenting a paper on thermal design studies andthermodynamic modelling of double-absorption open cycle hybrid solarspace-conditioning system in the congress.This is second time that Dr. Yadav has been invited by the WorldRenewable Energy Council. Earlier in 1996, he had chaired a technicalsession on solar thermal in the 4th world renewable energy congressheld in USA.Dr. Yadav has contributed significantly in the field of renewableenergy in general and environment-friendly solar space-conditioningsystems in particular, which has been published in the Internationaljournals of repute. On the basis of research contributions andsignificant achievements he has made in the field of renewable energy,the Planning Commission, Government of India also designated him asthe Project Coordinator of State Level Technical Backup Unit ofIntegrated Rural Energy Programme. Presently, Dr. Yadav is the Head ofthe Department of Agricultural Processing & Energy and TechnicalMember of the Working Group on the implementation of Haryana EnergyConservation Action Plan 2007-2012. Membership of International SolarEnergy Society and ISAE Award for energy in agriculture are otherfeathers in his cap.
National Symposium: Ground water resources
July 11 - Sixteenth National Symposium on environment with local theme "Ground Water Resources : Conservation and Management"will be organized in the Department of Environmental Science &Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology,Hisar in collaboration with Health Safety and Environment Group ofBhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai from 16-18 July, 2008.The National Symposium on Environment has been sponsored by Board ofResearch in Nuclear Science, Department of Atomic Energy, Governmentof India, Mumbai said Lt. Gen. Dr. Devinder Dayal Singh Sandhu, PVSM(Retd.), Vice-Chancellor of the University today. A delegation of 50 scientists from Health Safety and EnvironmentGroup of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai would take part indeliberations during the National Symposium, said Vice-Chancellor, Lt.Gen. Dr. DDS Sandhu. Dr. P.V. Raja, Principal Advisor, Department of Atomic Energy,Mumbai would deliver key-note address in the National Symposium, saidVice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. Dr. DDS Sandhu. Ms. Gabrielle Viogt,International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Dr. D.K. Goyal, NuclearPower Corporation of India, Mumbai and Shri H.S. Kushawaha, Director,Health Safety and Environment Group of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,Mumbai would deliver talks in first technical session, saidVice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. Dr. DDS Sandhu. Prof. Anubha Kaushik, Chairperson of the Department said 40scientific papers would be presented in 10 technical sessions duringthe three days' National Symposium. Dr. V.K. Garg, convener of theSymposium said Dr. R. Bhattacharya, AERB, Mumbai, D. Murlidharan,NGRI, Hyderabad, G.K. Shrivastava, NFC, Hyderabad, Dr. Kasmi, IITRoorkee, Dr. A.G. Hegde and Dr. V.D. Puranik, BARC, Mumbai, Dr. A.K.Mittal, IIT, Delhi would particiate in different technical sessionsduring the National Symposium.
State Energy Conservation Fund
July 11- Haryana Government has decided to create a StateEnergy Conservation Fund and make use of energy efficient streetlighting systems mandatory with effect from April, 2009 thus saving222 MW of electricity.This was stated by Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hoodawhile speaking after inaugurating a national level workshop on'Promoting The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)' in Gurgaontoday. The workshop has been organised by Haryana Department ofRenewable Energy in collaboration with Bureau of Energy Efficiency(BEE) of the Union Power Ministry.He said that the decision to have an energy conservation fund hasbeen taken to meet expenditure on the promotion of variousprogrammes and projects aimed at conservation of energy.Mr Hooda said that all existing and new colonies and urban areasnotified by the Urban Local Bodies Department, sectors of HaryanaUrban Development Authority, industrial estates of Haryana StateIndustrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation, housingcomplexes, colonies and townships developed by private or semigovernment or autonomous institutions of the State would have energyefficient street lighting system.Mr Hooda appreciated that the Bureau of Energy Efficiency hasprepared a Energy Conservation Building Code, in view the fivedifferent climatic zones of India, in which it has fixed minimumenergy consumption standards of buildings.Mr Hooda said that while recognizing the significance of energyconservation in building sector, Haryana Government would ensurecompliance of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), in a phasedmanner, in all new buildings to be constructed in Government sectorby April 2010. In the first phase, during the current financial year,the new Government buildings covering about one lakh sq. ft. areawould be constructed in compliance with the ECBC.Mr Hooda pointed out that with the change in the building designsand installation of energy efficient equipments in the buildings, wecould conserve 27 to 40 per cent of energy. The designs of buildingsshould be prepared in such a way that these provide natural light andair which would help in less consumption of energy. He quoted theexample of building designs of palaces and 'Hawelis' of Rajasthansaying that these provided comfortable environment even during summerseason. Therefore, with proper designing of the buildings we couldsave a large amount of energy. Also, we should install energyefficient electric equipment in buildings.The Chief Minister said that we could conserve 25,000 MW ofelectricity in our country by implementing energy conservationmeasures. Haryana has an estimated potential to conserve 565 MW ofelectricity by adopting energy conservation measures. The cost ofimplementing energy conservation measures as compared to that ofproduction of electricity was only one third. Therefore, while addingto the generation capacity of energy, we must also lay focus onconservation of energy.He said that the State Government has already decided to make the useof Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), T-5 tubelights,Light EmittingDiodes (LED) Lamps, low pressure sodium vapour lamps and high pressuresodium vapour lamps mandatory for all Central Government offices andall other consumers of electricity having a load of 30 Kilowatt orabove with effect from August 15, 2008.He said that as use of energy efficient CFL lamps could save up to80 per cent of electricity, the State Government has initiated aspecial programme to encourage people use such lamps. Therefore, inall the buildings of offices of Haryana Government, Boards andCorporations and rest houses, all the incandenscent bulbs andtubelights have been replaced with energy efficient CFL lamps and T-5tublights. Haryana was the first State in the country to take such astep to conserve energy, he added.He said that the Government has made the use of ISI marked pumpscompulsory in the agriculture sector. It has also implemented ascheme to provide financial subsidy at a rate of Rs. 500 per HorsePower up to a maximum of Rs. 5,000 to the farmers installing thesepumps.He said that the State Government has also decided to takespecial steps to create awareness about energy conservation programmesand energy conservation measures through various means.The Chief Minister also released two books namely Energy Conservationhandbook for buildings and home prepared by Haryana Renewable EnergyDevelopment Agency and Energy Conservation Building Code Tip Sheetprepared by Energy Simulation.Secretary, Union Ministry of Power Mr. Anil Razdan hoped thatHaryana would be a pioneer state in conservation of energy. He furthersaid that energy saving devices should be installed keeping in viewthe five climatic zones in the country. He assured the Chief Ministerthat government of India would provide all sort of help to the stategovernment in implementing the energy saving schemes.Haryana Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, RenewableEnergy and Power Departments, Mr Ashok Lavasa said that Haryana statehad always been a leader for the implementation of various energyconservation programmes and for implementation of Energy ConservationAct. He was of the view that about 30 per cent of the Indianpopulation resides in urban areas in the post independence era, whilethe population of India had grown three times.Mr Lavasa said that a boom in the building construction sector inreal estate development. He said that every year more than 40 millionof sq. meter of commercial and residential space was being added whichwas resulting in the additional demand of near by 5.5 billion units ofpower.Director General Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Mr Ajay Mathur saidthat Haryana government had been the national leader in ensuringenergy access to all. He said that Gurgaon was emerging India's futureas Haryana had attracted industrialists and entrepreneurs. He saidthat after implementing the ECBC code the consumption of power couldbe reduced substantially. Joint secretary power Government of India MrDevender Singh also spoke on the occasion. The workshop was attended by Administrative Secretaries, Heads ofDepartments, Architects and Engineers of Architecture Department,Housing Board, Haryana Urban Development Authority, Tourism, PoliceHousing Corporation, Urban Development and Town and Country PlanningDepartment. Also, builders and developers of the National CapitalRegion, representative of Union Ministry of Power, BEE, Confederationof Indian Industry, FICCI and those of the State designated agenciesimplementing energy conservation programmes in the country alsoattended the workshop.Others present on the occasion included Parliamentary Secretary RaoDan Singh, Dharamvir Gauba, Sukhbir Singh Jounapuria, BhupinderChoudhary, Radhesyam Sharma and Naresh Yadav all MLAs, PrincipalSecretary to Chief Minister, Mr M.L. Tayal, Commissioner GurgaonDivision JPS Nagal, Municipal Commissioner Rajeev Sharma, Commissionerof Police Mohinder Lal, Deputy commissioner Rakesh Gupta, DirectorHAREDA Mrs Sumita Misra and representatives of various States.
Mandatory use of CFL's
July 13 – Haryana Government has made it mandatory for allthe electricity consumers in industrial, commercial and institutionalsectors having connected load of 30 kilo watt or above to replace allconventional bulbs and tube lights in their establishments withCompact Fluorescent lamps (CFL), T-5 of 28 Watt energy efficient tubelights or Light Emitting Diode Lamps by August 15, 2008 at their owncost.While stating this here today, an official spokesman said that forall the Central Government Offices and Central Public SectorUndertaking institutions and establishments located in Haryana, theuse of Compact Fluorescent Lamps, T-5 of 28 Watt energy efficient tubelights or light emitting diode lamps had also been made mandatory.He said that a notification to this effect had been issued to makethe use of CFL and T-5 or 28 watt tube lights mandatory for indoorlighting and energy efficient street lights for outdoor lighting.According to the notification, these instructions would have to becomplied by all the electricity consumers in industrial, commercialand institutional sectors, all the Central Government Offices andCentral Public Sector Undertaking institutions and establishmentslocated in Haryana, all existing and new colonies and urban areasnotified by the Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana UrbanDevelopment Authority Sectors, Haryana State Industrial andInfrastructural Development Corporation Industrial Estate, HousingComplexes, Colonies and township developed by private, semigovernment, and autonomous institutions.He said that similarly all existing and new colonies and urban areasnotified by the Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana UrbanDevelopment Authority Sectors, Haryana State Industrial andInfrastructural development Corporation Industrial Estates, HousingComplexes, Colonies and Townships developed by private, semigovernment, and autonomous institutions would have to replace theconventional street light with energy efficient street lightingfixtures using T-5 tube lights, Light Emitting diode Lamps, LowPressure Sodium Vapour (LPSV), High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) andInduction Arc Lamp for street lighting before March 31, 2009 at theirown cost. He said that in case of non-compliance of these orders, thePower Utilities Department would have the power to disconnect theelectricity connections by serving due notice after the expiry of thedeadlines.
Elephant rehab and research center in haryana
July 9 - An Elephant Rehabilitation and Research Centre atBan Santour, Distt. Yamunanagar (Haryana) would be established over anarea of 50 acres.This was disclosed by Mrs. Kiran Choudhry, Minister of State forForest, Environment, Tourism, Sports and Youth Affairs today. She saidthat another 400 acres land would be kept reserved for movement andexercise of elephants. Initially the center would be run as anelephant camp after obtaining the required permissions from theHon'ble Supreme Court and Central Zoo Authority (CZA). Later, itwould be run as a fullfledged rehabilitation, rescue and researchcenter and would be opened to public. Domestic elephants which areillegally kept would be sent to this center, she added.Mrs Choudhry said that initially a sum of Rs. 90 lakh would beprovided by the Government of India for setting up of this Centre.TheCentre which was first of its kind in the country would not be like azoo but it would serve as natural habitate to the elephants. Mahawatswould be engaged to protect and train the elephants. The recurringexpenditure would also be borne out by the Government of India, sheadded.She said, "Ban Santor is a Protected forest area in Yamunagardistrict very close to Sal forest of Kalesar and Kalesar WildlifeSanctuary. This area is undulating and is a natural home ofelephants. Elephants come to this area from nearby Uttrakhand State ona regular basis."Mrs.Choudhry said that due to the excessive pressure ofdevelopment, forests were under great pressure and natural habitats ofwild animals were shrinking. Fauna and Flora would have to bepreserved at all costs. The elephant Rehabilitation and ResearchCentre would go a long way in generating awareness among people aboutthe real threat to wildlife and also rehabilitate illegally keptdomestic elephants, she added.An agreement to this effect had been signed between Government ofHaryana and Wildlife SOS (Non Government Organization). Mr. R.D.Jakati, APCCF-cum- Chief Wildlife Warden, Haryana signed the agreementon behalf of Govt. of Haryana and Mr. Kartick Sataynarayan on behalfof Wildlife SOS in the presence of the Mrs. Kiran Choudhry. Mr. M.B.Lal, Director, Wildlife and Mr. Anmol Kumar, DIG (wildlife), Govt. ofIndia, PCCF, Haryana Dr. J.K. Rawat, and other senior officers ofHaryana Forest Department were also present on this occasion.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
dhbvn:transformers and cfl
July 6. The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN)will install 810 dedicated transformers to low tension (LT) industrialand non domestic (NDS) connections saw Mills, Ice factories, Icecandies, Ice cream units, plastic items, rubber items, insulatingsleeves, oil expeller, electroplating, power coating, heat treatment,water supply, sanitation connections & rice Mills during a period of one month, under a newly introduced scheme, so as to give better service and power supply and to facilitate energy audit.It was stated by Mr. Vijayendra Kumar, Managing Director, DHBVN,. Hesaid that all such existing consumers would be provided dedicatedtransformers with DT meters at the cost of DHBVN by March 31, 2009 intwo phases. Consumers having larger load would be given priority ingiving dedicated transformers.He said that overloading of distribution system, due to unauthorizedextension of load by consumers, was the main reason of power cuts andtrippings due to local system constraints. The DHBVN allowed to putload on a transformer equal to 70 per cent of its capacity, whichcould be maintained only if the consumers do not extend load with outpermission. The Nigam has reintroduced the Voluntary Disclosure Scheme(VDS) of unauthorized extension of load that will remain operative upto July 31, 2008.The VDS is meant for the consumers of the categories of domestic,non-domestic, agriculture and industries in rural as well as urbanareas and is a golden opportunity for getting regularized theirregularity committed by them, without paying any penalty. He saidthat as per law, unauthorized extension of load was an offence equalto theft of electricity and invites imposition of penalty.Mr Vijayendra Kumar said that the drive launched by the DHBVN topersuade consumers to use energy efficient lighting like compactfluorescent lights (CFLs.) has been fruitful and it has converted 708villages and urban localities from conventional lighting to energyefficient lighting. During the month of July 45 additional villageswould be declared 100 per cent CFL villages.He said that CFL is not only power saver but it is also an environmentfriendly lighting appliance as it produce 70 per cent less heat thanstandard incandescent bulb and consume 70 per cent less electricity.But CFL contains a small quantity of mercury sealed with in the glasstubing – 5 milligrams (roughly equal to tip of a ball point pen) –which is irreplaceable being the efficient light source. Though it ismuch less than the mercury released in the environment by burning coalto generate the extra electricity consumed by an incandescent bulb,however, even its small quantity is harmful for environment if CFLsare not disposed off properly. Realizing its responsibility towards environment, the DakshinHaryana Bijli Vitran Nigam is mooting an incentive scheme to collectthe old unbroken burnt/used CFLs and tube lights, burnt or unburntunbroken incandescent bulbs and unburnt T-12 tube lights for properdisposal, so that they are not harmful to environment
mango mela and mango cultivation
Chandigarh, July 4 - The 17th Mango Mela, which is an annual feature,is being organised jointly by Haryana Tourism and HorticultureDepartment, Haryana at Yadavindra Gardens, Pinjore on 5th and 6thJuly, 2008. This was disclosed by Mr.Raj Kumar, Financial Commissioner &Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department, while addressing a pressconference here today. He said that the main objective of the two-day mango mela was toencourage the farmers to adopt the latest technology to increase theirproduction and improve quality of their produce so that they might getmaximum return from their limited land holdings. The mango mela wouldalso provide a forum to mango growers to sell their produce in thedomestic and international market, he added. He said that it would also provide a common platform to the SelfHelp Groups to display and sell their products. About 30 to 40 SelfHelp groups sponsored by NABARD, PNB, Canara Bank and Khadi & VillageIndustries Board, Haryana were expected to participate in the mela.The Self Help Groups would sell not only the mango based products butalso the handloom and handicrafts products. Craftsmen registered withthe O/o D.C. Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, GOI were also expectedto participate in the mela, which would provide them opportunity formarketing of their goods. He stated that the farmers were being imparted training atHorticulture Training Institute, Uchani (Karnal) to encourage them totake up Mango cultivation. Four Food parks at Saha (Ambala), Dabwali(Sirsa), Narwana (Jind) and Rai (Sonipat) were being established bythe State Government to overcome the problems of processing, distresssale and to reduce post harvest losses. The Panipat town in Haryanawas known for its Pickle industry, he added. Giving details of the mela, he stated that the mango mela would beinaugurated by Mr.Harmohinder Singh Chatha, Agriculture Minister,Haryana and Mrs.Kiran Choudhry , Minister of State for tourism Haryanawould preside over the inaugural function. Dr.A.R.Kidwai, Governor,Haryana would grace the prize distribution ceremony. He said that a Food Court would also be set up in the mela, whichwould offer variety of F&B items for the visitors. In order to ensuregood quality of snacks, stalls would be put up by the Food CraftsInstitute,Faridabad, Allied Institute of Hotel Management and CulinaryArts, Panchkula and Hotel & Catering Management Institute, Chandigarh.Further, Taj Group of Hotels, Chandigarh would also put up a stall forsale of F&B items with special emphasis on mango based recipes. TheChef of Taj would also give a Demo of preparing mango based dishes onboth the days of the mela at 11.00 a.m. and at 4.00 p.m. Those whowere interested in learning the latest techniques for the preparationof mango based dishes could participate, he added. Mr.Raj Kumar said that cultural programmes would also be organizedin association with the Director, NZCC, Patiala. "Hasya Kavi Sammelan"would also be organised on July 5 and Folk Dances programme would bepresented by the groups from Punjab, Haryana, Uttrakhand and HimachalPradesh on July 6. Day Performers had also been engaged, who wouldperform Kalbelia Dance–Jaipur, Kacchi Ghori-Jaipur, PuppetShow-Jaipur, Dhol Nagara-Hodal, Bagpiper-Kaithal, Jhangam-Kaithal,Been Sapera-Panipat and Flute/Bansuri-Narwana. In addition, folkdances would also be performed throughout the day by the students fromthe schools of Kalka, Chandigarh and Panchkula, he added. Commissioner & Secretary, Tourism,Mrs. Keshni Anand Arora, statedthat on both the evenings, special cultural programmes would beorganised through the teams deputed by NZCC, Patiala. The attractionsfor the students in the mela were Rangoli, Fancy DressCompetition,Mango Cutout competition and Mango Quiz, etc. She said that a convention hall with the facilities of threeconferencing hall and parking capacity of 500 vehicles was beingconstructed near Hotel Rajhans, which would be completed by the end ofthe next month. Similar, convention halls were also being constructedat Rohtak and Bhiwani. Managing Director, Haryana Tourism Corporation,Mrs. Satwanti Ahlawat stated that the Mango Mela was much awaitedactivity for the residents of Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. Manyfeatures/competitions had been added to make it more interesting forthe students and for the families. Director Horticulture Haryana, Dr. Satyavir Singh stated thatintensive efforts were being made to provide all facilities to themango growers of the region. The mango mela would provide excellentopportunity for the people to see and taste good quality mangoes. TheDepartment of Horticulture right from its establishment in the year1991 had laid special emphasis on Mango cultivation in Haryana. TheMango Mela, as usual, had display & competition sections in fourcategories i,e Category A & B were for the Mango Growers and theCategory C & D were for the Mango Products, he added. Later replying to a question, Dr.Satyavir Singh said that effortswould be made to export mango from Haryana. Good quality mango wasstill being exported from the State. Scientists from HaryanaAgricultural University, Hisar had been invited to visit the Mela sothat mango growers could be apprised of the latest techniques toimprove the quality of the fruit. He said that the area under mango fruit cultivation had beenincreased from 3553 hectares in 1990-91 to 8900 hectares in 2007-08and its production from 19,900 metric tonnes to 68,000 metric tonnes.A target had been fixed to plant mango trees on 320 hectares ofadditional land in the year 2008-09. Special stress was being laid onpost harvest management of fruit crops. Saplings of fruit trees werebeing planted on the land, on which agriculture crops were not beinggrown so that food grain production might not be affected. The areaunder fruit trees would be doubled by 2011. At present, Haryanaoccupied fifth or sixth place in mango production in the country, headded. He said that budget for Horticulture Department had also beenincreased from a meagre Rs.96 lakh in 2005-06 to Rs.235 crore in2008-09. Subsidy ranging from 25 per cent to 100 per cent was beingprovided on horticulture crops, he added.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
UHBVN and CFL distribution
July 2 – Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam in collaborationwith OSRAM GmbH has decided to launch Compact Florescent LampsDistribution Project in the districts of Sonipat and Yamunangar by theend of this month for savings electricity in both these districts. TheProject envisages distribution of as many as 5.40 lakh long life CFLsin Yamunanagar and Sonipat which would bring considerable reduction ofelectricity consumption in these districts.An agreement to this effect was signed here today by Uttar HaryanaBijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) and OSRAM GmbH for the implementation ofClean Development Mechanism Compact Florescent Lamps (CFLs)Distribution Project. The agreement was signed by the ManagingDirector UHBVN, Mr. A. K. Singh and Managing Director, OSRAM, Mr GaganMehta as per the guidelines of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Governmentof India.Speaking on the occasion, Mr. A. K. Singh said that UNBVN also plannedto make an agreement for district Rohtak, Jhajjar and Panipat in thesecond phase. He said that the target group of the project comprisedthe households that were the registered customers of UHBVN. Under theProject, the households could substitute upto 2 incandescent lightbulbs (GLS Bulbs) in their homes by CFL lamps. The households werefree to decide whether to participate in the project or not. Only GLSbulbs with wattages equal to or higher than 60 watts would bereplaced. The 100 W GLS bulbs would be replaced with 20 W CFL and 60W GLS bulbs would be replaced with 15 W CFL. At the time of thedistribution of the CFLs, the substituted GLS bulbs would be collectedand later destroyed to make sure that they would not be used again.Mr Singh said that in each district, a team would visit door to doorto distribute the CFLs to the project household. Initially the membersof the team would inform the people about the project at their homes.If the household agreed to participate in the Project, thedistribution team would install CFLs with the applicable wattage uptotwo light points. Subsequently, the distribution team would collectthe substituted GLS bulbs. The project would be accompanied by anawareness generating campaign. CFLs failed during the fist 12 monthsafter distribution would be replaced by OSRAM.He said that the Project would lead to considerable electricityconsumption savings in the households that take part in the project. The project would reduce consumption of fossil fuel based generatedelectricity and thus reduce GHG emissions. The cost of the lamp at therate of Rs. 15 per lamp would be recovered from the household whichwas mainly the cost of collection and disposal of collected GLS lampsand fused CFLs as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Environmentand Forests. The Project had already been cleared by the Ministry andwas under validation and approval from United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).The Managing Director said that both the parties who had signed theagreement were contemplating the development of Clean DevelopmentProgrammed actively using an approved methodology pursuant to theClean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol applied toresidential lighting for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissionsresulting in sustainable energy savings in Yamunanagar and Sonipatdistricts.He said that the Bureau of Energy Efficiency would be the monitoringAgency for the Project. UHBVN would support OSRAM in operating theProject in Yamunangar and Sonipat Districts with manpower andmarketing measures for implementing the project. OSRAM would benefitfrom Certified Emission Reduction units generated from the Project.
national level workshop for ecbc
July 3 - The Haryana Renewable Energy Department inassociation with Bureau of Energy Efficiency would organize a NationalLevel Workshop for promoting Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)at Hotel Crown Plaza Gurgaon, for architects, engineers and privatebuilders on July 11 2008.While giving this information here today the Haryana Renewable EnergyDepartment and Hareda Director Mrs. Sumita Mishra said that the mainaim of the workshop is to bridge the information and knowledge gap onenergy efficient building designs. She said that the workshop wouldprovide information and create awareness about the fundamentals ofEnergy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) of the Central Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency and technological options along with theachievements in the Energy Efficiency in building operationalstrategies.She said that on the occasion Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. BhupinderSingh Hooda would be the chief guest and he would also release aHandbook on 'Energy Conservation Tips for Homes and CommercialBuildings'.She said that the workshop will have two sessions. The technicalSession I on 'Regulatory Framework For energy Efficient Buildings –Fundamentals and Technologies' would be chaired by FinancialCommissioner and Principle Secretary to Government of Haryana- Townand Country Planning Department Mr.D.S.Dhesi IAS and Co Chairman onthe occasion would be Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power Government ofIndia Mr. Devinder Singh IAS. Similarly Technical Session II on'Achieving Energy Efficient Buildings – Operational Strategies' wouldbe chaired by Financial Commissioner and Principle Secretary toGovernment of Haryana PWD(B&R) and Architecture Department Mr.K.K.Jalan,IAS, the Co-Chairperson on the occasion would be theDirector Haryana Renewable Energy Department and Hareda Mrs. SumitaMishra, IAS.The Workshop would also be attended by Administrative Secretaries,Head of Departments, Architects and Engineers of ArchitectureDepartment, Housing Board, HUDA, Tourism, Police Housing Corporation,Urban Development and Town & Country Planning Department etc. alongwith Builders, Developers of NCR region, the representatives from theMinistry of Power, BEE, CII, FICCI etc. and representatives from allthe State Nodal Agencies implementing energy conservation programmesin the country, she added.
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